Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

Ellie shook her head no, she didn't know him well enough to feel like entrusting him with the deep seeded memories of her past. "Thank you for the offer but no." She replied in a kind fashion, she didn't want to offend anyone.


Lyra nodded sadly, they were all so broken by now in one way or another. Some hid it better then others, some even truly believed that they were fine when they weren't. She wasn't sure where she fit to be honest. "Yes here there is not much to run too. But at least it is safe, I am not sure too many places can boast that anymore, at least not for us." She said simply.
Nick nodded, understanding her reluctance. "Of course," he said with a smile. "We'll keep to shallow subjects, then. Say, hobbies? Hobbies, and whether or not you have any, and then whether or not you care to share that."
• • •
"Safer," Alexis corrected her. "There is the case of students being attacked. Which, I'm not entirely concerned about for my personal safety, but I would hate to see you and Zaine become appetizers." She forced a smile even as she shuddered slightly, recalling the incisions left on Dimitri.
"No." Cyra answered lowly. "I haven't eaten." She smiled faintly, glad to be invited to eat with him.
"Just because you think that doesn't make it true." Amaryllis admitted gently, but with conviction. She knew she wasn't perfect, just like everyone else she lived with regrets and failures made by herself.
"Well then, let's see what they have on the menu, I'm famished. " Indigo stated as he got his room key and started for the door. He hesitated a moment before taking Cyra's hand as he passed back by her.
Vasper smiled adoringly at Amaryllis and stated matter-of-factly, "Then it's is a pleasant fiction and it hurts no one."
Irene flushed and shook her head. "That was a bit jumbled, wasn't it? I meant you don't have to stay because I asked. I don't want to seem like I'm clingy. It's just I've enjoyed our conversations and I'm reluctant to have them end. That's all." She tried to clarify.
"It's not that. It's something else he regrets. He was in a dark mood when he chose to make me this toxic." Ashton said as she looked to her gloved hands. "I hate not feeling anything and now, worrying about hurting a friend by accident. " She explained as she looked to Allen.
"Darling, a restraining order couldn't keep me from chasing you. And if that sound as creepy as it sounds, I'm sorry." Dyrus joked with good humor. He glanced to Haley with a loving smile as he watched her dutifully watch the plant. "How's it doing down there?" He asked.
"Then I'll stay," Priam said, flushed with embarrassment at the mix up, which he felt was on him. She didn't seem clingy, and he hoped he didn't seem desperate. He left his tray where it was, since he was done, and pulled up a chair for himself. "Since you enjoy them so much, let's continue these conversations. Any particular subject you'd like to touch on?"
• • •
Allen followed her gaze with his own, settling on her hands. "And you don't know what it was that led to his mood," he said softly, "which in turn led to your present predicament." Maybe he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but it helped to verbally process what she was telling him. He held out a hand for her own gloved ones, wanting to see more closely the hands Ashton regretted so. "Who is it that you're really concerned about?" He asked.
• • •
"It's doing fine. She's fine," Haley said, jerking her head up to look at him. She chuckled lightly at his joke, which she had taken to be completely sweet. "As soon as we get back, I'll give the poor kid some water. It's been a long day for her." She chuckled once more, feeling very idiotic for talking about the plant like they were, but at least they could be idiotic together.
Claire smiled smugly, responding "Yes. Very much." She raised an eyebrow at the tattooed girl, asking with somewhat of an attitude "So what do you two want with me? Shouldn't you be doing something important, training, mission maybe?" She exchanged looks from both of them ,waiting for a response.

Iris was ironically reading a recipe from the cookbook, and ignored the question completely.

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