Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

Asa became quiet for a minute as he looked out into the parking lot before nodding. "That is all you need to know for now, you can come to me if you have any further questions." Asa exited the vehicle and gathered his briefcase and luggage from the trunk.
Zoe nodded and looked to Elliot, giving him a brief smile before getting out and looking around the neighborhood as she came to get her luggage too.
Elliot nodded, gathering his luggage as well before returning the smile to Zoe and discreetly giving her a rub on the cheek, a little sign of affection that shouldn't anger Asa.
Claire smiled somewhat sheepishly, responding "Well I don't have a room that I know of, so I'll most likely fall asleep here." She motioned to one of the couches towards the back of the spacious room.
"We couldn't let you do that," Atalanta said, a thin smile spreading across her face. "The couch is hardly what you deserve, especially since you've just been moved up today. No, Iris and I will gladly help you find someone in charge who can tell you what room you've been assigned." She whipped her head around to glance at Iris with a questioning look.
Ioan thought heavily. It was an easy question, but his mind wasn't cooperating. "There's the receptionist, the women in the cafeteria, the nurse, teachers.. and I think that's everyone." He concluded. "I won't have time to introduce you to everyone today, but you'll meet them soon."
"Oh, I'm sure I'll run in to them all eventually. It's not necessary for you to have to take me on a guided tour," Emily assured him with a smile, not wanting to burden him after all the work he was already having to attend. She swept a hand out, beckoning him to follow as she headed towards the nurse's office.
"We couldn't let you do that," Atalanta said, a thin smile spreading across her face. "The couch is hardly what you deserve, especially since you've just been moved up today. No, Iris and I will gladly help you find someone in charge who can tell you what room you've been assigned." She whipped her head around to glance at Iris with a questioning look.
Iris smiled back at Atalanta and nodded. It was the right thing to do, and making enemies here wasn't necessarily her plan. She wondered out loud to Claire "What animal are you made after? One with purple or pink pigments?", clearly referencing Claire's purplish hair color.

Claire responded with a genuinely grateful "Thank you so much." and a smile, before replying "Dragon millipede. I can shoot cyanide out of ,y fingertips, which can kill people if consumed and burns the skin if on it."
(That sounds so heartbreakingly final. I’d love to keep it up, just life is so busy right now.)
(Same. However, I'll be getting a little bit more time with the new month starting. So I'll be posting once again on a more frequent basis. :bun At least I hope that's how it turns out. :lol: )
"Then I'll stay," Priam said, flushed with embarrassment at the mix up, which he felt was on him. She didn't seem clingy, and he hoped he didn't seem desperate. He left his tray where it was, since he was done, and pulled up a chair for himself. "Since you enjoy them so much, let's continue these conversations. Any particular subject you'd like to touch on?"
• • •
Allen followed her gaze with his own, settling on her hands. "And you don't know what it was that led to his mood," he said softly, "which in turn led to your present predicament." Maybe he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but it helped to verbally process what she was telling him. He held out a hand for her own gloved ones, wanting to see more closely the hands Ashton regretted so. "Who is it that you're really concerned about?" He asked.
• • •
"It's doing fine. She's fine," Haley said, jerking her head up to look at him. She chuckled lightly at his joke, which she had taken to be completely sweet. "As soon as we get back, I'll give the poor kid some water. It's been a long day for her." She chuckled once more, feeling very idiotic for talking about the plant like they were, but at least they could be idiotic together.
Irene smiled and thought of a topic of interest, " What's outside like? I've heard we are living on a island. Is it beautiful?" She asked curiously.
Ashton slipped her hands in her pockets to hide them from view. "I may know him longer and on certain levels better then most , but he still doesn't talk about his feelings to anyone. Even his own son. And the lack of friends in my archives should give you a fairly good idea whom I'm concerned about.. Especially since Gideon is immune to my toxins. " She explained to Allen with a straightforwardness as she looked to meet his eyes.
Dyrus appreciated this easy going lucky side of Haley. It was a rare individual to tolerate, let alone participate in off landish role playing. "Good, good. That's probably a good idea. Maybe you should read her a bedtime story as well. An exciting day tends to keep the youngsters up past their bedtime. " He joked further with her. He saw the mansion up in the distance and felt a twinge of dread well up inside him. That was the first time that had ever happened to him. The origin was yet undetermined and it bothered him a bit. But the more the reflected on it, it became clear he didn't want the intimacy of their one on one time ending. In the mansion there were always eyes everywhere.

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