Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

"Alright, then." Ioan answered, Glad at least that that wouldn't be one more thing he would have to add to his lists of things to do. He'd fallen behind in thought, but quickly used a few long strides to catch up with Emily as she lead him to the nurse's office
Anne, busy sorting through a box of needles and syringes, looked up as Emily rapped lightly on the door before entering. “You just missed the patient,” she said, giving the pair a brief smile before turning her gaze back to her work. “He was with the doc next door not five minutes ago. Dimitri, that is. If that’s what you’ve come about.”

Emily shook her head slightly, not that the nurse could see. “Oh it’s fine. It’s mainly Dr. Young I came for. Is he still next door?”

“He should be, Anne said, a bit absentmindedly, her mind on her sorting. She glanced up once more to get a good long stare at Ioan right before Emily pulled the door shut and went to knock on the neighboring door.

( @StarrNico is doc in? :pop )
Andorra snorted at the absurdity of that statement.before saying logically, "OR you could walk with both of us as we head to the cafeteria together. Safety in the number of three is better than a mad dash of one, don't you think?" She looks to Donella with amusement with her roommate's dramatic flair.
“Even better!” Lucy said happily, her face lighting up at that suggestion. “But can we get going soon? Like, now? I’m famished.”

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