Child At Heart, Monster By Nature (A Shape Shifting RP)

Andorra eagerly accepted the warm invitation. "Thank you kindly. You seem to be the only other student here that enjoys it here. I'm Andorra. " She said as she extended her hand in greeting.

Cyra smiled warmly. "I'm Cyra. I agree, I don't understand why the others don't enjoy this place. It is the only thing that protects us from the madness of the outside world."
Laurel pretended to not hear him, but she heard his words long after he had stopped talking. It simply could not be true. She tried to convince herself that this wasn't real, but never stopped fighting to free herself from her bonds.
(Laurel just got here, so she hasn't been experimented on, yet. If you want you can have Ryker experiment on her at anytime. I will warn you though, Laurel is very stubborn :p )

Razeth turned to watch Laurel struggle further. How long ago was that him, fighting the inevitable. He sneered at the newbie. She'd learn, eventually.
(Oh, I thought when you named Ryker Lord, he was your character. :idunno )
Razeth turned to watch Laurel struggle further. How long ago was that him, fighting the inevitable. He sneered at the newbie. She'd learn, eventually.
(Oh, I thought when you named Ryker Lord, he was your character. :idunno )

Laurel fought long, but eventually all she could do was raise her head a little. Her fustration at her defeat caused her to moan angrily.
(No. I had wanted you to play him because Im not good at playing the bad guys. The only reason I named him after you agreed to play him his because we had to think of a name so we could post the RP. Are you still ok with playing him?)
Willow had arrived at the cafeteria which already was getting filled by others, she looked coldly around the large room for a moment uncomfortable with this many people around her. Willow quickly walked to an empty table and sat down, watching the interactions between the others curiously
Or this sat down next to her, as she was the only person he knew.
Andorra nodded, "Especially! Perhaps they liked the morning tests and torture." She said with mild humor as she took a bite of food .

"I will never understand them." Cyra sighed, as she thoughtfully looked over her food while playing with it.
Laurel fought long, but eventually all she could do was raise her head a little. Her fustration at her defeat caused her to moan angrily.
(No. I had wanted you to play him because Im not good at playing the bad guys. The only reason I named him after you agreed to play him his because we had to think of a name so we could post the RP. Are you still ok with playing him?)

"I will never understand them." Cyra sighed, as she thoughtfully looked over her food while playing with it.
(Is Laurel good or bad? And you should make a character page for this RP!)

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