Chinese Geese Mothering Sebastopols Goslings


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 16, 2013
Auburn, Washington
My two Chinese geese, both females are raising my three Sebastopol goslings. It's the cutest thing ever. Has anyone else experienced this? Will they still get along after they are full grown? There are 2 Muscovy ducklings that I purchased at the same time. For the most part, the "mothers" accept the ducklings. Every now and then they hiss at the ducklings, letting them know the goslings come first. The seven of them are just adorable waddling across the tall grass exploring for bugs and weeds or cooling themselves off and digging in puddles. It's been two weeks now and I haven't had any problems so far. I took the goslings and ducklings indoors at night the first few days, just because I was worried, but now they all bed together in the coop at night. They are growing fast and the babies are already sticking their necks out and vocalizing their commands to the rest of the flock. It's really funny. Any comments or advice would be welcomed.
My two Chinese geese, both females are raising my three Sebastopol goslings. It's the cutest thing ever. Has anyone else experienced this? Will they still get along after they are full grown? There are 2 Muscovy ducklings that I purchased at the same time. For the most part, the "mothers" accept the ducklings. Every now and then they hiss at the ducklings, letting them know the goslings come first. The seven of them are just adorable waddling across the tall grass exploring for bugs and weeds or cooling themselves off and digging in puddles. It's been two weeks now and I haven't had any problems so far. I took the goslings and ducklings indoors at night the first few days, just because I was worried, but now they all bed together in the coop at night. They are growing fast and the babies are already sticking their necks out and vocalizing their commands to the rest of the flock. It's really funny. Any comments or advice would be welcomed.
Isn't it wonderful how geese take to babies even if they didn't hatch them, sounds like everything is going great for your goslings, My geese tolerate my Muscovy's so I'd keep a close eye on the ducklings just to make sure they are being taken care of too. Although when it was just my gander he was in love with the Muscovy ducklings that hatched here.
Sounds like the perfect beginning! My geese have adopted and raised several batches of goslings - once even taking on 2 week olds . . . and during most of the year there's no problem. Once breeding season hits though, the ganders will have their fights whether or not they had a father/son relationship the year before. Since your geese are both girls it shouldn't be an issue I'd think!
Our two female Chinese geese have a mating ritual that they perform during mating season, although my opinion they are just showing their ability to dominate one another. Once the Sebastopol goslings are full grown, should I be concerned about the two different breeds mating together? I believe I have a potential male SB amongst the 3 of them. Would the offspring of the two look like Chinese Geese or Sebastopol?
Like any offspring of mixed parentage, the goslings will have traits of both parents. Did you have saddleback sebastopols?
If not, the dark splotches on their bills might indicate that they are chinese crosses. At this age, color is the only thing you can tell. Curls are what make a sebastopol goose a sebastopol. And that takes a couple of months.
I am not sure what the term saddleback means. My 3 goslings are mostly yellow with light colored beaks.1 has a slightly diluted marking pattern over the back and the other 2 have a more distinguished marking pattern over the back but very light brown in color. Is that what you mean? Does that mean they have already been mixed with something? They are supposed to be all white.
Oh I see. You used SB for sebastopol, not saddleback.
Saddleback is like Henri in my avatar -- white with grey on the head, neck and back.

Many white sebastopol goslings have a grey sheen to them -- perfectly normal!!

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