Chipmunk? Squirrel? Chicken?

Don't think it's an EE - the new pics show yellow legs, no beard, and what appears to be a single comb. Maybe Welsummer? I think the legs are the wrong colour for Sussex.
I know this thread is pretty old, but I was curious who this little chick turned into eventually? It's hard to believe how all my mystery chicks have grown into themselves. :)
Thanks for the update. My Easter Eggers changed dramatically as they got their feathers (and they both are boys, so I'm sure they will change a lot more)-- now, one is all browns and reds and some greens and is going to be a very colorful boy. The other is black and white with very puffy cheeks and he's starting to get a bunch of orange coming in. I'm amazed at the variety in their coloration.
Hi there! Believe it or not, she turned into a Dark Cornish. She's mostly black now, with just a bit of brown on the tips of her feathers. I'll post a picture in a while. Thanks for the interest. :)
ColoradoLyssah, I totally believe it! I had 6 mystery chicks from Meyer who all turned into Dark Cornish. :) Now I'm just trying to figure out their genders, darn little guys are hard to distinguish!
Wow, all 6 of them were Dark Cornish?! I think I got lucky and she is a hen.


Thank you for your guesses back then. :) Are you good at sexing Barred Plymouth Rocks? We have a mystery chick that looks like both; we can't figure it out, and it's making us crazy! He-she is 9 weeks old, no cock-a-doodle-do.




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