Chlorhexidine Disinfectant Solution what the dif between blue and clear solution ?


7 Years
Nov 23, 2013
saw both on Ebay. The one solution looks blue and the other looks clear...What is the differences???. Is it a "coloring" or dye in the one bottle pictured? both I believe are 2%
I had some for a dental rinse and threw it away couple weeks ago but cant remember if it was clear plus it had an added evil sweetner too I believe...
Pharmacies corporations ought to give us an option .... and not but dyes and sweetners craps in their concotions if we dont want it...

and the other link

thanks all
I am almost positive I saw the one you think is "clear" on Amazon and people were mad because they were expecting it to be clear, but it was, in fact, blue like all of the others.
I called Duravet company. She said the pic I saw of the smaller bottles were empty bottles>>>>
Duh.. I finally saw the ingredient lis tof the blue and of course a DYE....
what I saw looked clear... Id be mad too,,,, they need to show real pics of their products why in the blankey blank does everthing haave to be so "colored"? I know easier to see but we have way too much artifical junk now in our enviroment...
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I called Duravet company. She said the pic I saw of the smaller bottles were empty bottles>>>>
Duh.. I finally saw the ingredient lis tof the blue and of course a DYE....
what I saw looked clear... Id be mad too,,,, they need to show real pics of their products why in the blankey blank does everthing haave to be so "colored"? I know easier to see but we have way too much artifical junk now in our enviroment...

The color is actually used as added safety. Chlorhex is primarily used in the medical field. If everything was clear, it'd be too easy for people to accidentally use the wrong thing.

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