Chocolate Orpingtons

I have 9 chocolate orps that are 3 weeks old now. I also have 10 lavender orps. The lavender orps are feathering up nicely. However, the chocolates have just a few wing feathers and are still mostly fluff. I contacted the breeder, Chicken Scratch Poultry, and was told that the chocolate orps feather really slowly and would be "naked" for a while. Has anybody ever heard of this? I thought I researched this pretty well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have noticed that my chocolates feather rather slowly; a couple are 3 mo. old and still have few feathers on their breasts. I have raised LF Cochins and the fill in (and out) slowly too.
The big breeds teach patience.
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Cute lil' Chocolate chips!

Quick pic (with my iPhone) of one of the bantam Chocolate pullets I've grown out this year. She should be laying any day now...

This hen has exceptionally big eyes. She has a lovely rise on her rump feathers and her coloring is really nice!
I have a pullet just getting ready to lay. She is by far my FAVORITE chocolate yet. Her comb is perfect and her carriage is roomy. Her tail feathers are everything I have been wanting! I can't wait to breed her and hopefully make more. She is the first chick I hatched from her parents of such superiority out of 35! Now I know why folks hatch so many and cull so much.

I have two sisters that came out looking American Standard! Moving them to the egg farm side. Anyone out there breeding American Standard Chocolates?

Heading out now to take some pics to post.
I have a 21 weeks old Chocolate Orpington cockerel I would like to rehome. I am in Chicago but am NPIP and can ship if needed (although would prefer not to). Please PM me if interested.
Looking for a chocolate orpington rooster. Looking for breeders in Georgia.I will be attending the show in Newnan, Georgia in February if anyone plans to attend and have some chocolate orpingtons to sell, maybe we can arrange to meet there.
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