Christmas 2014 Hatch-a-Long (12-25-14)

Don't worry everyone, I have a hygromter for each of you... and I'm not kidding. I have 4 in my single incubator right now! And 6 thermometers! It's not that in an overachiever... They all seem to be finicky, so I'm going with an average. I tried dry hatching last time and had all three chicks "shrink wrapped," dead in shell :( but I live in Colorado and we have no natural humidity.

I had five thermometers in my bator... Some where really off, so I just have two in the bator right now. I hope the temp has been consistent :fl

:yiipchick    40 of 42 alive, and two unsure!

How do you candle that many eggs? But that's great 40 are developing :jumpy

Set 41 eggs at 8pm December 2nd, due to infertility in some eggs I'm now down to 19 strong thriving babies due on Cristmas eve. And 1 Silkie egg due to hatch on New Years under my little broody mama Silkie outside.

I'm sorry about your Olive.
Good to see we have some new eggs on board, good luck!!! And 40 of 42, wow!

Knowing one was looking bad I checked again this morning before sunrise and unfortunately we lost our second egg and two of the remaining three are now questionable. Maybe our shipping woes are catching up to us.

Still hopeful for a Christmas Chick!!
I wish I knew! I'm a total newbie to everything! My father-in-law just asked me one day "would you like an incubator and some fertile chicken eggs?" And since then I've been in love :) and a lot of posts on here say when they're babies, it's hard to tell the breed so I figured I'd wait a couple months and then research it up :) I just hope they're not the broiler kind :( And my father-in-law got them from a friend. Maybe I'll ask him to ask his friend if he knows what kind it is.
Day 21 should be the 25th, if I calculated correctly :) What breed are you hatching?
Thank you. Good luck with 42 eggs. What type of bator do you have? (Sorry if you posted that before and I missed it :p )
I wish I knew! I'm a total newbie to everything! My father-in-law just asked me one day "would you like an incubator and some fertile chicken eggs?" And since then I've been in love
and a lot of posts on here say when they're babies, it's hard to tell the breed so I figured I'd wait a couple months and then research it up
I just hope they're not the broiler kind
And my father-in-law got them from a friend. Maybe I'll ask him to ask his friend if he knows what kind it is.
Nice!! Tell us if you find out!!
Awesome! What breed do you have in your incubator?
Ameraucanas, RSLs, Silkies, two mystery bantams, and the rest are barnyard mixes. The mixes are my Christmas presents for the neighbor kids, unless they're gorgeous of course, then they're going in my layer flock lol. One week until lockdown. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the mixes, I have a couple more crosses this time around that weren't present last hatch. Especially the Lakenvelder X Leghorn, hoping for some beauties from that one. Good luck to everyone else on their hatches. Will keep in touch.
Ameraucanas, RSLs, Silkies, two mystery bantams, and the rest are barnyard mixes. The mixes are my Christmas presents for the neighbor kids, unless they're gorgeous of course, then they're going in my layer flock lol. One week until lockdown. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the mixes, I have a couple more crosses this time around that weren't present last hatch. Especially the Lakenvelder X Leghorn, hoping for some beauties from that one. Good luck to everyone else on their hatches. Will keep in touch.
Awesome, just remember we need pics

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