Christmas in October block Swap

I found a piece of fabric I could not pass up at wally world today. I have no clue what I'm going to do w/ it so I only got 1.25 yards.
Kassaundra, I'd have great difficulty cutting into that beautiful fabric. Do you need any cushions? Or perhaps a blind or curtain for the smallest room in the house? It is just so lovely.
Kassaundra, I'd have great difficulty cutting into that beautiful fabric. Do you need any cushions? Or perhaps a blind or curtain for the smallest room in the house? It is just so lovely.

I'm pretty sure I'll take a prime fussy cut for a framed art piece before making any cuts, so I CAN bring myself to "use" the rest!!!! lol
Oh my!!!!! What an amazing present to come home to today!!!!@OHhappychicks I honestly cried when I opened my box!!! I so needed this after the past few weeks!!!! Thank you soooooo very much! !!!!
To my mug rug recipient. ..I am sorry I am running behind...a few set backs after my hip replacement. ..but back in the swing of things and will get it out this weekend!!!
I'm pretty sure I'll take a prime fussy cut for a framed art piece before making any cuts, so I CAN bring myself to "use" the rest!!!! lol
Kass I can see the "Eyes" in one of your La Pas blocks!
I have been trying with the La Pas but without the book, which no one has in stock right now. I'm stuck past the third row.
Of course my biggest hangup is I got a new pc ,Windows 8 is a total pain and I cant get the stupid thing to upload my photos

I try for a while every day, get too stressed and quilt and go find my quilting.

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