Christmas in October block Swap

I didn't start from the beginning either, and have sat out from a few. I need to make some into actual quilts instead of squishies of blocks! lol
I have done 7 or 8, I do have one almost quilted ready to be bound. I keep changing my mind as to what I want for the center block of my Autograph wall hanging.

katsdar love your gift bags and M&M idea.
I keep changing my mind on the backing for the autograph one. I need to settle down and get the fabric for the center and sashing on that one and finish it.
Maybe I'll go and play with the disappearing nine patch too. I am tempted to do one of the alternative layouts but it seems they will take a little more work.
I got in on the tail end and have not done all of them but this group is definitely a wonderful group of quilters. Thank you! I love swapping with you all.

We love having you
I have done 7 or 8, I do have one almost quilted ready to be bound. I keep changing my mind as to what I want for the center block of my Autograph wall hanging.

katsdar love your gift bags and M&M idea.
wall hanging never thought of that very good idea.

I did a different variation of fabric placement w/ the dragon fly, this one is for the swapper

That is so pretty, oh can I be rude and ask you to make me one if you have time. I just love it
We love having you
wall hanging never thought of that very good idea.

That is so pretty, oh can I be rude and ask you to make me one if you have time. I just love it

I've been working on a tutorial, I don't view it rude at all, I quilt for fun and don't sell my ideas, and especially to friends.
Dragonfly tutorial

List of fabric, sizes and how many you need
The top two are the borders just plain, you can adjust that to any border you would like, the inner pieces will be 8.5 inches

The two 4.5 squares from background need to be folded diagonally and pressed.

The 2.5 squares from background need to be folded diagonally and pressed also

The 2.5 squares from wing fabric needs to be folded in half diagonally and pressed

The body fabric is 4.5 square both folded backgrounds need to be placed over the body fabric, right side up on body fabric. Both folded edges need to touch

Mark the 1/2 point of the butted triangles

Secure the edges stay in the seam allowance

You can't see well in this pic, but the mid point is secured w/ a zig zag on "0" so a zig zag in place.

Lay out all your body and wing pieces w/ covering folded triangles in the position shown
At this point the folded triangles need to be secured to the wing rectangles, use the same method as the body.

or if you are extra confident you can secure w/ pins. Then right sides together sew each wing set together. The rectangles are the true edges always differ to them if not the same as the triangles.

Press all seams open, they are extra bulky

Sew the head, and 3.5 x 1.5 background together, then sew that unit to the 3.5 x 4.5 background.
Then sew all together like a 4 patch.

Now you are ready for the borders, you can use the simple background borders in the fabric list or fancy them up to anything you want.

Attach all borders before turning edges.

Press turned edges and pin in place

Top stitch along edges of rolled triangles

Trim to size and admire your work

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