Christmas in October block Swap

This is my son and his tiny wife whom he adores. This was heart rending emotion from these two as they welcome this sweet baby into the world.

This was her comforting her emotional husband. MY baby. Lol
Yes I think so too. This is also one of the sweetest moments that happened. (Pics in next post)
Where is my picture thingy?
That is so moving thank you for sharing such a tender moment with us. I'm next, me me me oh wait they have to get married first, darn I gotta wait some more
why do my kids have to do it right?
kids now a days
I went to the Bernia store today, and tested the machines, one I was interested in he sold the last one and one is on the way in so he will call me so I can compare side by side to another machine and then we went to the LongArms, yeah he showed me one with and without the stitch regulator the machine had both built in and you could turn it off/on, then he showed me a machine that had an automatic stitch regulator, it kept up with your movement of the fabric, yeah that one was nice. amazing how they do that the sells man. There is a quilt show the middle of Sept. so he said that the machines will be really discounted that I should wait, I said ok that will be good I like discounts.

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