Christmas in October block Swap

There's just so much beautiful going on in this thread. CAU, I got a little teary eyed!

I have been a bit slow lately. Apparently my l5 disk thought it would be a good idea to slap my sciatic nerve around for a while. All bad things bring something good, right? On my way back from my pre-op aappointment I stopped by a sewing shop and couldn't leave without a Janome Skyline. So awesome! .

I had been looking online but hadn't decided on a final machine, so this is it. I have quilt tops just waiting for it. My singer just literally couldn't sew through the fabric. Hopefully the post-op pain will be minimal so I can have some sewing time while off work, lol. It' just a llittle ol microdiscectomy.

Wish me luck on mending fast and getting them christmas blocks done.
Oh chicalot! I know what you are going thru! I herniated a disc (not sure which one) in my lower back about 5-6 years ago. I didn't have surgery, but I was down for about 4-6 weeks! Worst pain I've ever been in, but with therapy and a round of steroids, I was up and about, although slowly. I still have to be careful how I set and lay, but I can do most of what I did before. Well maybe not like i used to since I'm that many years older!!
I will pray everything goes well for you and you are up and about quickly.
BTW, I just bought the Janome Skyline!! I absolutely love sewing on it. Only I have to go to the quilt shop to use their demo one as I put mine on lay-a-way. I received a credit card offer that has no interest until next year and you rack up sky miles with your purchases, so that will help with our cruise next spring, so I am contemplating
applying. I can maybe kill 2 birds with 1 stone, so to speak. I want to bring my baby home!!!!
Chicka, sorry for your back, hope the procedure goes well and you make a full and speedy recovery.
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Lol about the scissors, me too!

Ok so I have a question I made a hst block...But I think I shoUld leave it how it is at 13 inches on one side and very close to 12 1/2 on the other (a bit over). Reason my pinwheels will become crooked if I trim the block myself...I feel I should let the recipient trim as they wish? I need to show it so you see what I mean... These aren't secret anyway right? If so every one knows what I'm doing...but y'all are teaching me so....sorry.

Here it is...

Please ignore my messy sewing room.....
A TV I need a TV. and mark that one I'll take it I think its very nice
My sewing room was designed as an office or library...the table you see holding my machine and my tv....was hand made with a fold out ironing table...right beside where I sit...with the measuring tape material on coffee cup was on I loveeee my table.
Mark what? The block? Or the tv? Lmao!

And should I leave it as is? And mark it how? Forgive my ignorance...
sorry I know what I'm talking about and expect everyone else does too, mark the block so I get that one and I will take care of the cutting, that way no one else has to worry with it. Love your table too!!!
Thank you kassaundra and katsdar if I forgot to say earlier. Tomorrow is the big day.

Ohhappychicks, we have so much in common, lol.
I don't how you got through it. The initial onset was The. Worst. Pain. Ever. And I have 3 kids! I have had bouts for 6 years with my back but the original injury was closer to 12 years ago. Once yyou rupture a disk it just keeps deteriorating, but I've got in my head to get serious about core strength. I hope I can follow through.

I was originally looking at the Mastercraft janome ( I might have gotthat name wrong), but then I realized with the introductory price the skyline was the same price as the other. Also I got bonuses and ended up only paying about 20 for 3 huge spools of thread and no interest. I'm in love with it. I wish I could attend the free sewing class it comes with but it's a long drive.

I did finish a table runner from the disappearing 9 patch we did and still have to finish the throw quilt. Will post pics in a few days or so.

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