Christmas in October block Swap

don't beat yourself up too much, it's ok, we understand and glad you let me know so I'm not waiting on your blocks, I think we can say at one point or another we have all had blocks that do this to us. I know I have, but these blocks are not due till the 31st and we are never right on the date, so when you get back from your vacation and you still want to make your blocks and send them I'm sure they won't be too far behind, just a thought. The 31st is the target mail by date not set in stone. I still have to hear from the rest of the swappers. Just let me know when you get back if you change your mind and if not that is ok too.
Ok. Thank you Katsdar. I will absolutely let you know.
I received my RBR today!! Will put what I have collected in the mail to ya, thanks
Majack's and Fenrosie's blocks have arrived, no I have not opened them, not yet
gotta finish my blocks, seems like I'm making 5 million little parts, almost done. I lock my self into my sewing room and turn on the tv and go into my zone.
My MR is done, I hope who ever gets it likes it, the binding this time really threw me for a loop, I never have trouble, started with the double binding I wanted to do (not the right name) and after 3 attempts with no directions (lost the one I was viewing and then Rustyhen found another one for me) I finally was discourage enough to go and just do regular binding which for some unknown reason one corner stumped me, so one corner after trying to fix it just doesn't look quite right but I have decided the MR wanted to be uniquely unique, so there you have it.
Finishing mine this weekend, my son left for basic training the beginning of the week so I have been trying to keep my mind busy. I should have them in the mail by the 24th.
ok sounds great, and I so remember the mixed emotions I felt when my son left for basic,
need to talk or vent I'm here to listen, just PM me if you want. What branch did he go into?
He joined the Air Force, I am happy for him as he needs to start his adult life. LOL
Oh that's good I was worried he joined the Army or Marines, my son was a Navy man, very proud of him but it was still hard to let my son go to the military but like you said it's time he starts his adult life, course my son stayed in for 9 years and he is now out, my brother retired from the Air Force and in his 20 years not once was he ever separated for any real length of time.

@Kassaundra have you heard from Kathysue? her son also went into the military

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