Chronicles of Raising Meat Birds - Modern Broilers, Heritage and Hybrids

They grow amazingly fast... when I had my 7 most got to a point I couldn’t see them living happily. They got so big so fast and at 9 weeks I was wanting to butcher them.

I have a Broad Breasted Turkey but I make her run with me to make sure she exercises.
Yeah I am not sure I would keep them past 7-8 weeks. I don't need a humongous bird. Just my partner and I here to feed. My last batch I butchered between 7&8 weeks and they averaged about 5 1/2 lbs dressed. Big enough for me!! I did it when I had time and help. My plan is to butcher these by 8 weeks(hopefully beat the snow :fl ), or whenever the birds seem ready. Whichever comes first.

I will say that up until their last day the last ones took advantage of the provided grassy area, chasing bugs and scratching around. Happy to be alive. Here is some couple days before slaughter. They are 56 days old.


End product


She pinched my skin hard today trying to get my ring lol
Someone posted on another topic wanting to know how long it would take for her diamond earring to pass through her hen. I believe the title was something like "The $500 Chicken." Apparently the very costly chicken is still in possession of the earring and is doing fine... I'm not likely to have any $500 earrings snatched from my ear by my fowl, but should it happen, I know exactly where to look. (Her hen is a pet, so...)

Last time I butchered I found a small length of chain in one gizzard and a dime (very worn) in another. :lau
Someone posted on another topic wanting to know how long it would take for her diamond earring to pass through her hen. I believe the title was something like "The $500 Chicken." Apparently the very costly chicken is still in possession of the earring and is doing fine... I'm not likely to have any $500 earrings snatched from my ear by my fowl, but should it happen, I know exactly where to look. (Her hen is a pet, so...)

Last time I butchered I found a small length of chain in one gizzard and a dime (very worn) in another. :lau
That's a lucky chicken! Not many of them get to use diamonds as grit! Betting the gold or silver won't last long though...

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