Citron Spangled Hamburgs


5 Years
May 27, 2014
Hello. I would like to find a hen and a rooster or a trio if at all possible. I have looked for hours online and finally gave up. Hoping someone here will be able to help me with my search. I have checked H&H rare poultry breed but they no longer breed them. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank u so much
Thanks so much for the information. I am going to check them out asap. I hope i can get some too.
Hey smallbatch, Actually I have had no luck finding any Citrons. I have registered on Rarebreeds and looked Mr. Burton up but he doesn't have any listed right now. I have also registered on ebay with no luck and also tried a place maybe was called one earth farms? who i was told had them but i guess they no longer breed them. I am still looking if u come across something would greatly appreciate any feed back you may have. Thanks so much for checking back w me
Bantam hamburgs are hard to find!! I have a ss bantam roo, and have been looking for hens, but no luck.
not sure if you are still looking but I have this great little guy im looking for a home for. He is a citron spangled hamburg bantam


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