City ordinance will not let me cull my chickens on my property


5 Years
Nov 12, 2014
Hello all! I have had a wonderful first year raising my 4 backyard hens thanks to all the advice I have received on this awesome forum! So I have a question. Since I am one of the first backyard hen owners in my city, I want to obey all the ordinances associated with this privilege. Our city ordinance does not allow for the culling or slaughter of chickens on the property or within city limits. I don't have a need to slaughter any of my hens at this time. They are healthy and happy and laying beautifully, but I am not naive enough to think the day will not come eventually. Where do I take them to process them or to kill them myself? BTW I am in the Denver, CO area.
Hey, I found a small farm about 30 minutes away that will allow me to come on a processing day and help, and just bring my one or two hens along for a small fee. Works for me!
and Welcome to BYC!

Glad to have you join! Feel free to make yourself at home!
would they know if you had to do the deed in your basement? Seems pretty intrusive unless you were doing it often like a butcher. Too many regulations in life.
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined us.

Do you have any friends with a farm? If you had to cull one, you could just take it out to the farm and kill it there, then bring it back home.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

I live in Colorado too!

I'm not sure what to tell you as far as the culling goes.

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