Cleaning Brooder


Mar 2, 2024
Hickory Corners, Michigan
I am super new to raising chickens.
When I clean the brooder, the chicks will pile in one of the corners. To the point that the ones on the outside will leap into the middle to “get away.” I try to move slowly and speak calmly. I am worried that they will hurt one another.
Is there a better way??
I have a large tote in the house; for now. Eventually, I will move the brooder to the garage. Do they get super worked up when you grab them?
They're not happy about it. As Huntmaster noted, they're programed to fear something coming down on them from above, so if there's space for it try and approach with your hand from the side and scoop them up from below.

My current brooder set up requires zero cleaning as it's outdoors. Do you have your coop set up already? If you can run electricity out there you might want to consider brooding outside, depending on what temperatures look like.

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