Cleaning Chicken Poop In Coop!

What's a poop slide? Do you have a picture?

I'm using straw. I don't know how newspapers or feed bags work because the chickens dig around it A LOT. They would shred any paper I put under the straw.
Well, even though I'm a genius, I'm computer retarded! I cannot get the photo on my site! I can tell you how I made the poop slide, and you can make your own if you wish.

Buy a roll of aluminum flashing, 10ft long by 20inches wide. Make a set of rails for it, attach them on each of the long sides of the flashing. Push the rails together a bit so there is a dip in the middle of the slide. (this poop slide is designed to be installed under the roost in the coop) Now your aluminum slide should be about 18 inches wide, and as long as your roost. Put one end up high under the roost, put the other end down low, exiting the coop into a 5-gal. bucket. You have to curve the exiting area quite a bit so the poop and water slide nicely into the bucket, not onto your feet! When installed under the roost, cover it all with chicken wire - so you don't lose any peeps into the poop bucket! Because they WILL walk on it.

I used 2x2's for the rails. If you have walls, you COULD make the slide exit into a large pvc pipe, thru the wall into the bucket. This works well for me in a Florida coop, with wire walls and a dirt floor. I spray water onto it every morning for about 15 seconds, and it all flushes down into the bucket. Empty the bucket and all clean!

Hope this helped!

Would you rake it in the lake? Would you rake it with a stake?

Would you scrape it with a pan? Would you blow it with a fan?
I clean my coop poop every morning before work. I just scoop it up and put it in a bucket. Once every 3-4 weeks I completely remove all the pine shavings, sprinkle DE and fill with new pine. I clean the run poop in the evening every day after work. Most of my run is sand so I just use a kitty litter scoop. Once a week I sift all of the sand to remove any smaller poop, food, whatever particles from it and then apply DE in the run. I also sift their dust bath spot every couple of nights which immediately leads to a dust bath of course! I find coop maintenance kinda theraputic! My girls help me when I'm cleaning too! They love to see what ends up in the sifter!
Would you rake it in the lake? Would you rake it with a stake?

Would you sweep it with a broom? Would you throw it out of the room?

I scoop with a spatula attached to a dowel, I finish off by wiping the roost with a towel.

;)Sorry I just couldn't resist.
I have a 8x12 foot chicken house and tonight I scraped everything that had poop or looked liked poop.
Then I swept everthing out and wheel barrowed it to the burn pile. Then I wiped it down with light bleach water and then sprayed with an entire can of Lysol. I turned off all fans and closed all doors and windows so no chickens could get in. I let that sit for 2 hours before I opened everything up and turned on the fans. Then I layed new pine shavings and everyone "seemed" happy. Could not find OXINE anywhere. And the TSC and local ATWOODS had nothing in the way of sanitizing barns/coops. Crazy right?

Anyway, I scrapped all poo off perches then shoveled off a layer of the dirt in the run. Ran the waterers and feeders through the dishwasher and sprayed the run with Lysol. Can't help it. Say it kills all germs in 60 seconds. Did not feel comfortable spraying Bleach water in the run. Because food hits the ground. I am still going to purschase the OXINE. Seems from BYC members that it is the best thing to use as a fogger and in thier water. Neither place carries it. Ugh. So far so good. I too us the DE. Love it!
I also pick up the poop every day-in the am and again in the pm.( I have 6 chickens) I use a diposable glove or cat scooper. It takes only 5 minutes to do. Then I wipe down the roosts, with vinegar and paper towels and I'm done.
I also poo pick daily. About a week ago day ago, I cleaned the entire coop out and put down a linoleum floor to protect the plywood. (the cheap stick on 1'x1' squares, 8x10 coop=$30.00 @ Home Depot) Then, in a stroke of genius, I made 2 large troughs along the sides of the coop under the roosts and filled them with sand. I just used 1"x4"'s. Then put the pine shavings only in the middle. Now it's soo much easier to scoop out! I use a cat litter scoop and an old ice scraper to scrape the roosts. I'm surprised at how clean the pine shaving in the middle are staying.
For you guys power washing inside your coups, what are they made of. I couldnt power wash mine, its bare wood and theres insulation on the ceiling. And part of the walls are press board that I painted. It was a play house that I took out the back wall and made 2x the size. If I power washed it would never dry, probably rot.

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