Cleaning out feeders/waterers

I wash mine the same way I wash my dishes. Hot water, liquid soap and elbow grease. I rinse with diluted bleach water. Then rinse well with pure clean water.

Little chick waterers and feeders get far more messier than the equipment for older birds.
I put about 2 tbs per gallon of water.. (all my animals drink from one gallon chicken waters.. and yes even the cats... lol)
My cousin breeds and raises and shows Blacks and BB Red OE bantams and he actually uses the frontline spray on his chickens.. he said to spray a small drop below the vent.. but I dont use chemicals if I can get out it..
Thanks fluffychickenmama!
Hey Amy.

I use only vinegar and water through out my house. Major allergy issue with cleaning supplies. I use it in my laundry. It works as a bleach and as a fabric softner. I pour it in the bottom of my dishwasher to clean dishes. Even pour it in the "Jet Dry" thingie.

For people who have septic tanks (like me) vinegar is great for them. Feeds all of those microbes out there that breaks things down. Run it thru your coffee maker to clean out the hard water deposits then pour a bit of baking soda in your sink drain followed by the hot vinegar, free running drains!

I buy it by the gallons!!!
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Thanks to everyone...we'll definitely go the vinegar route. I'll also investigate non-chlorine bleach and the peroxide, too. Thanks all!

what kind of vinegar is it you use and how much, in the drinking water is it meant to stop them getting any bugs
In the drinking water use raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. It has to have the "mother of vinegar" in it, the active stuff, to be beneficial. If you look at the bottom of the bottle you'll see a brownish silt there, where regular grocery store cider vinegar will be clear. You can get it at a health/natural/organic food store. A common brand is Spectrum naturals Organic unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. Many people sip some every day for their own health (to ward off colds and detoxify kidneys). Like this:

thanks seachick, i will look for some in a health food shop how much do you add to drinking water and do you use it every day

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