Cleaning, pasteurizing for sale


Apr 19, 2019
Bishop Hill, Illinois
I will be selling eggs through our small village's general store. I am required to pasteurize.

But what about cleaning them? Let the pasturizing process do the work? Should I actually scrub them first? I've always heard washing drives germs into the shell.

I've rarely bothered to wash our eggs prior to personal use. The natural bloom on the egg protects them from all but the worst bacteria contamination. I'd rather not pasteurize, but I need the market. Suggestions, please?
I’m not sure your location but generally your state government will be quite specific in how eggs should be washed/handled/processed/stored prior to sale. Some places even require inspections of your facility. What might work for me, may not be adequate in your location.
I’m not sure your location but generally your state government will be quite specific in how eggs should be washed/handled/processed/stored prior to sale. Some places even require inspections of your facility. What might work for me, may not be adequate in your location.
I live. In a very small, historic community. The store owner has checked with her insurance. She has said the eggs have to be clean, pasteurized and in new cartons. Due to the historical designation, locally produced items, including eggs, are in high demand. I understand there is some leeway with state as long as the eggs meet the insurance company's standards. Hope the owner is right!
You are quite, quite right. Thanks!!
And thank you for the links! I'm going to check with the state. The store is down the street from here, less than 5 minutes walk. I will let them tell me if I need the limited license. Grading eggs will be a new one as I have a mixed flock!
I will be selling eggs through our small village's general store. I am required to pasteurize.

But what about cleaning them? Let the pasturizing process do the work? Should I actually scrub them first? I've always heard washing drives germs into the shell.

I've rarely bothered to wash our eggs prior to personal use. The natural bloom on the egg protects them from all but the worst bacteria contamination. I'd rather not pasteurize, but I need the market. Suggestions, please?

The process of pasteurizing eggs is a patented process owned by National Pasteurized Eggs of Lansing IL. Only they are allowed to provide pasteurized eggs in the shell. If the highly specialized equipment were available to purchase I would suspect ot would be very cost prohibitive for all but the largest egg producers.

You may be doing something to your eggs but I highly doubt it it pasteurization which would make shell eggs safe to raw in not fully cooked foods.

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