Cleaning the outside Coop


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 4, 2009
I am raking the outside portion of my chicken coop (6ft X 6FT) each evening because my 5 - 6week old chicken are outside most of the day eating weeds, grass, pellets, and bugs, plus pooping all day. I am afraid they we get sick eating and pooping in the same area. New to raising chickens - Am I just being a nervous hen myself?
Yes, you are a nervous hen !
Don't make yourself crazy! Haven't you ever seen them eat their poop? Its gross.. They will be fine. I clean out coop and run every week. New bedding etc.. I may do it a little more on hot summer days, but not every night. Take a little break!
Thanks For the Welcome!
Love your hen house and run! Way to go on the recycle!
God All Provides.

John 3:16

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