Clever way to worm with Safeguard?

Ok, I will just be patient and wait for it to do its work. I must be 'missing something'...what is your thinking as to why it would be better off given straight than soaked in bread. I watched them swallow it. I had one hen that wouldnt take it so I gave her chopped grapes and she ate it right up. I was thinking that it must not taste too bad bcuz most didnt seem to even notice except the one. Thank You so much for all your help. I'm probably a big pain in your a$$ right now (LOL!) But I really do appreciate your help. I've not dealt with anything like this before.
I hope that it works the same soaked in bread. I just did it that way bcuz I only have 2 hands and there are 20 of them and I was trying to think of the best way to get it IN them and not all over them and me. I have learned a very big lesson in all of this, a couple of lessons actually...1 is to have them on a worming schedule and 2 is that I will not buy from unsanitary conditions again and also I will do some quarantine if new birds come in. I have read so much material on these darn gapeworms that it's confusing. I just read an article that suggests there's only a 7 day egg withdrawal for the panacur (fendemazole). I got that on another post here in BYC. Of course that's after having the treatment repeated every 10 days as needed. Does 7 days sound about right?
Dawg, I've lost track of time and its been 13, maybe 14 days since I first wormed. Am I up the creek or can I do it tmo night (possibly 15 days by then)??

Thanks so much.
I called Merck the manufacturer of safeguard and they said the goat warmer liquid does not even dissolve and water so how else can you give it
Orally. Weigh the bird, calculate the dosage, and then straight into their mouth with a syringe.
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I called Merck the manufacturer of safeguard and they said the goat warmer liquid does not even dissolve and water so how else can you give it
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You've found a really old thread.
Safeguard liquid dewormer dose is administered orally by weight.
Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once, then repeated in 10 days to treat Roundworms only.

Dose is 0.23ml per pound of weight given orally once a day for 5 days in a row to treat other types of worms poultry can have including roundworms, but not tapeworms.

This article shows you how to administer medication orally.

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