Clip or Don't Clip - Broken Beak


5 Years
May 4, 2018
Midwest, Kansas
One of my girls got into a scuffle with a rooster about 5-6 weeks ago. She broke her beak, which bled like crazy.

Now, the top beak is quite a bit shorter than the bottom. I am trying to decide if I should trim the bottom, or leave well enough alone.

1 - she is SUPER flighty and clipping it will likely freak her out (again). This is the primary reason I've left it alone to this point
2 - she eats okay and acts okay (except for her freak outs). I scatter food out for the flock and put some food in a bowl for her, which she eats just fine (picking food off the ground isn't very doable though)
3 - she's definitely lowest on the pecking order and I'm not sure if the beak issue contributes

Mostly I've favored leaving it alone because she's able to eat okay and she's so. dang. touchy. She's active, runs around, doesn't hide from the others (unless she's in the middle of a tissy). The beak has been like this for about 4 weeks.

I'm mostly concerned with the bottom breaking because it's obviously going to take more abuse without the top to even the load...........but do I clip the bottom and risk another freak out/hiding in the corner for a couple days (and a hunger strike)?

She's already smaller than the others (stupid rooster kept her from eating, he's gone now) and I just really hesitate to cause her any more setbacks.

I've attached a picture. She was being very uncooperative, but you can see the beak issue. She was jabbering at me, which is why her mouth seems slightly open.


  • bethany beak.jpg
    bethany beak.jpg
    376.5 KB · Views: 14
I’d leave it, as long as it doesn’t affect her eating and drinking. Sounds like she’s adapting. Tips of beaks can sometimes grow back over time.

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