Clipping a rooster'z spurs???



Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
I have a roo named big red, now close to two years old. He's developed spurs that are like needles. He hasnt attacked yet, but when I pick him up to do check ups, he struggles a lot. And with his spurs the way they are now, it would be very easy to give us bad cuts even by accident. We tried the method where you just wiggle the spur around to get it off on one of our culled hens with large spurs, but its it's actually breaking the bone off to. I imagine that would be painful, so I dont want to try that on my roo. Can the tips of his spurs be clipped like a dog's nails or is there another way??
I have a roo named big red, now close to two years old. He's developed spurs that are like needles. He hasnt attacked yet, but when I pick him up to do check ups, he struggles a lot. And with his spurs the way they are now, it would be very easy to give us bad cuts even by accident. We tried the method where you just wiggle the spur around to get it off on one of our culled hens with large spurs, but its it's actually breaking the bone off to. I imagine that would be painful, so I dont want to try that on my roo. Can the tips of his spurs be clipped like a dog's nails or is there another way??
First thing is to learn how to pick a rooster up so he has difficulty digging a spur in you.
You don't need to clip. Just file the points off with a nail file. You just need to round them over. While you're at it, check along the spur shaft for rough patches and file these smooth.
I have about the same situation with my rooster, about 2 and hadn’t attacked. I have gotten a nasty cut from his spurs once when I picked him up. What I normally do is use my goat hoof trimmers to clip the ends so they are dull and flat. Whenever they get sharper, out comes the trimmers! I keep a bottle of QuickStop close when I do this incase I cut too deep. I can post a picture of his spurs and tools if you need to reference to it. How long are your roosters spurs now?
First thing is to learn how to pick a rooster up so he has difficulty digging a spur in you.
You don't need to clip. Just file the points off with a nail file. You just need to round them over. While you're at it, check along the spur shaft for rough patches and file these smooth.
Thats not easy. He's afraid of me. Even though ive never harmed him XD. Would a normal nail file work? Their sharp enough to where I think they'd cut up the file.
I have a roo named big red, now close to two years old. He's developed spurs that are like needles. He hasnt attacked yet, but when I pick him up to do check ups, he struggles a lot.
Why do you feel it is necessary to pick him up to do "check ups?" Assuming a rooster, or chicken, is acting normally, I see no need to pick any of them up.
Why do you feel it is necessary to pick him up to do "check ups?" Assuming a rooster, or chicken, is acting normally, I see no need to pick any of them up.
There is nothing wrong with picking up your birds to do check ups. If the birds are used to being handled then they will be calm if they actually do have a problem such as leg mites, frost bite, an injury, or spur trimming.
But to each his own.
There is nothing wrong with picking up your birds to do check ups. If the birds are used to being handled then they will be calm if they actually do have a problem such as leg mites, frost bite, an injury, or spur trimming.
But to each his own.
I never said there was anything wrong with it. I said I didn't see the necessity of it.
Dog nail clippers can be used to clip the ends off. Grab him and swaddle him in a towel so he can’t wingslap you (I’ve lost many a nose ring this way) Cut slowly, I cut about a quarter centimeter each clip. Keep corn starch or quick stop on hand in case if you clip too much and he starts bleeding. You don’t have to clip too much, just enough to blunt the ends so he won’t hurt you or your hens. Give him a treat for being a good patient and put him back with his girls :thumbsup

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