Clipping Wings


In the Brooder
Jan 26, 2016
Somewhere snowy in PA
I'm thinking about clipping the wings of my chickens. I've never done it before and am looking for pros and cons. And also tips on how to do it. I've assisted in clippings wings on various sizes of parrots in the past just never a chicken
Can I ask why you need to clip their wings?

They have been free ranging up until now because we haven't been able to build a run with the weather. (We just moved) our dogs have had to stayed tied because our malamute likes to kill them. Sometimes she gets herself loose and goes right for the chickens. The new run will hopefully be finished tomorrow and they'll be safe except for that it's not covered and I don't know how long it will be until that part gets completed. They're safe in the run but if they fly out and a dog is loose their chances aren't good
I'd rather be safe than sorry
Just clip one side enough to keep them off balance. Fairly simple and in your case totally agree its better to be safe then sorry. How tall is the run? My sister has to clip her flocks as a precaution as well because all her neigbors on the back side of the fence have dogs.
I think it's about 4' tall.

I think it wouldn't be so bad if she killed them to eat them (somehow that makes sense in my mind like if she saw them as food) but she just kills them for the fun of it.
I use an invisible fence for my dog and that keeps her well away from the chickens. However, I used a 5' fence to keep the rooster from the hens and he flew over the fence to get to their coop. He is only 13 weeks old. I don't think a 4' fence will keep them in unless you clip their wings. I think mine are staying in because they have a large run that's safe and all the food, free range grass and forest ivy they could want, with the occasional treat thrown in. (They love watermelon.)

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