
8 Years
Jan 15, 2014
One of my silkies has a scab on her butt. It seams to lead inside her cloaca so when she dose an egg it bleeds a tiny bit. She seams fine in her self otherwise and is still laying and has been for 9 months. Ive considered using a poultry wound spray but as the injury is in a sensitive area im unsure if using that spray is safe as it says to only use externally on the can.
None of her sisters pick on her because she is the bossy one so I know this wasn't caused by vent pecking by other the birds but I have seen her peck her own vent recently, she also has pulled out her tummy feathers. Do you have any suggestions to how to help her heal at home?

Thanks in advance :)


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My experience with wounded tissue just inside the cloaca has been in conjunction with prolapse. That's the only way I can think of for that part of the cloaca to be exposed. When there is a prolapse, it seems there's a little nub, usually residing just inside the cloaca, that either gets pecked by another curious hen or it's irritated by its vulnerability in exposure outside of its normal spot inside her body.

The way I've treated this type of wound is to use Witch Hazel to clean it and cortisone cream and antibiotic ointment to reduce swelling and prevent infection.
I've experienced scabby vents due to mites and the hens picking at their bums as a result but not to the extent of the scab going into the cloaca. Like others have stated on this thread, slather some vaseline on the area to provide a barrier to dirt and to keep the skin moisturized to (hopefully) begin healing. If it is something more than just a scabby vent it's a bit beyond me as I haven't experienced prolapsed vents and such but for scabs, a thick ointment will do!

Good luck.
Hey everyone thanks for all the helpful reply's! It isn't a prolapse but is bloody vent on the top lip, I saw a chicken pecking at her butt today. It is very swollen and the scab is now missing. Ive segregated her and washed her butt as it was poopy and applied some gentian violet spray to the area. I will apply vaseline once the scab regrows. Is there anything else I can do for her? Can you use savlon on chickens?

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