Clumsy hen sqashing chicks to death?????


10 Years
Oct 17, 2009
So I have this young hen. Shes a grey game hen. This is her 1st hatch, and she got off the nest after a few chick's hatched. Left a few that had started to cool to much and not hatch. All seemed fine until three days ago when I found a dead chick when the hen got up. It looked as though she may have suffocated it. No signs of any injury. Today at lunch time when I can home I checked on them and found another, same evidence. It almost seems like she wants to sit on them all the time and often steps right on them when she is up and moving. Has any one ever had this happen? Should I take the chicks from her or let her keep them and hope she learns from her mistakes?

All my other game hens are fantastic mothers, this is quite frustrating since I have sold the rooster that sired the chicks she is "raising".
We had a hen that did that, we didn't keep her away/separated from the other chickens and she was very protective and ended up suffocating one trying to keep the others from the chicks. Hard lesson learned. I hope things get better for you, sorry for your loss.

Your avatar roo is really pretty by the way!
Well, she is in a 4'x8' pen all to herself. So I don't think that's why. I think she's just un-aware of what shes doing.

Thanks for the compliment on the avatar, he has really turned out nicely. Only about 18 months old now.

I see your avatar appears to be a game as well, Muff of some sort? Have you checked out the "show off your games" thread?
Well, she is in a 4'x8' pen all to herself. So I don't think that's why. I think she's just un-aware of what shes doing.

Thanks for the compliment on the avatar, he has really turned out nicely. Only about 18 months old now.

I see your avatar appears to be a game as well, Muff of some sort? Have you checked out the "show off your games" thread?

I have seen that thread thanks, we no longer have Mr. Fancy Pants, he was rehomed to a friend that is a game preservationist. Fancy was too agressive and we have a lot of visitors that are young children. Fancy is a muffed game from the Dr. Kozura line. His ladies are muffed topies.

I am sorry to hear about your girl, could it be that she is just young and not sure what to do? If it were me, I would probably separate the chick and hopefully reintroduce later. Just my opinion though.
Wow chief...Sorry to hear about the ole grey mammy issues. Is this her first time? If it were Me, I would watch about another day or 2 and if she doesnt straighten up, i would get a brooder ready since you dont have the dad anymore. Ive got seven first time moms to be right now. Hope I dont have this troubling issue. Good luck anyways ^^
Thanks. That's exactly what I did. She has done good so far, no more fatalities. This is her first hatch so hopefully she's getting it figured out. I really hope that the rest of them make it. She's a pure Shorty Bullock and the rooster was my old avatar a pure Law Grey. I do have a pure Shorty rooster as well, but wanted to keep some of the Law around. Good luck with your "rookie's"!

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