Cocci? Not sure...

I can't comment intelligently on vitamins and Corid as I don't completely understand. Corid is a thiamine blocker, so I guess what people usually mean is that you shouldn't give thiamine with Corid, but the other vitamins should be fine.

The oral dose is 20mg/kg, so that's so at 80 grams the chick is .08kg and that would be .08 X ~.2ml = ~.016ml, so one very small drop should help if it is coccidiosis.FWIW, I have done this many times and never seen any adverse effects. If you want to give the smallest drop possible, put a small needle on your syringe and *very* carefully give it orally that way. This method has allowed me to give drops as small as .01ml very reliably.

for you!

I hope I made it clear that you can give it orally and in their water - 2 teaspoons per gallon.

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So today was a stressful day. I came home from work twice to take care of her and to the GREAT dismay of my boss I took her to work with me for about an hour to give my husband a break. Here is why he needed one...this morning she wasn't showing much change other than she was perky like yesterday morning and she had a good appetite. I have been feeding her rolled oats dipped in kefir by hand and she loves it, but she won't just eat oats soaked in kefir. I know - she is picky - this is probably how we got into this predicament in the first place. So I fed her and went to work, a couple of hours later I get a frantic call from my husband asking what was in the eye dropper next to her pen. I tell him it was her corid antibiotic and he tells me he thinks he just accidentally killed her. He thought it was her vitamin water and soaked some worms in it and she at the whole thing. My guess it was probably about 5 drops total of corid. This was of course after I had already given her one drop of corid today. So far it hasn't seemed to affect her, we are praying it stays that way.

Now the chick update: tonight is encouraging! When I came home to check on her she was standing up in her pen - on her feet - not her haunches. She still can't walk, but that was a good thing. She ate so much that I stopped feeding her and told her she would have to wait until a bit later to get some more food. So all in all it has been a good day. She is still full of vim and vinegar - she gets super upset when she tries to walk and can't and she starts pecking at everything around her. Her poop looks good - there is more water in it today, but still no blood.

Today's strategy: Breakfast was rolled oats dipped in egg yolk and kefir with vitamin water with a touch of kombucha in it. 2nd Breakfast, lunch and 1st dinner were all oats dipped in kefir and her vitamin water/kombucha mix.

I will weigh her in a bit and see if she has gained any weight.

I'm hoping she doesn't go backwards again, I think if she continues recovering from this point forward we won't have to splint her feet or fix her legs. Her legs make me nervous because she sits with one in front and one in back a lot - I move her and put them beneath her - but she gets mad at me. LOL

Thank you again to everyone that is following this post and helping my wee baby Josefina!
May I suggest that you give them a high protein chick crumble? Chicks need at least 18% protein and they can't digest whole grains unless they have grit.

So today was a stressful day.

Mamabrinkles, I just want to say you & your husband are totally going above & beyond what many people would do for their pets, let alone a 'plain old chicken'! Thank you for your determination & sharing your story of her recovery with us.

I don't think I can contribute much more to this thread so I'll let the other folks take over. I'm hoping the best for your wee little one. :hugs:
Casportpony, thank you. Unfortunately she won't eat her chick starter. I think that might be why we are in this position. She only eats the seeds that are mixed in. Picky little brat she is. I have been supplementing with some dehydrated meal worms to try to keep her protein up. I haven't given her grit since she got sick, but I definitely will sneak it into her kefir tonight. I will also see if she will eat crumbles dipped in kefir. Thank you again!

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