Coccidiosis advice

You mention that you have recently switched to a nipple watering system. Is there any possibility that these chicks are not able to access water now ? Symptoms that you describe can also be caused by dehydration. Water deprived chicks will also over drink and drool when supplied with readily accessible water.
Check out her other thread.
That is exactly what I thought over there too!
Thanks for your message.

I have had chickens as pets since Aug last year. I started looking at BYC and other sites as I came across lice in one of the chooks and then suspected cocci ... looking again here. We went to the vet with her and sadly it was confirmed cocci and I was too late in treating her!

Please know that I am suggesting not telling. I have a little experience and have found things do work for my chooks. I went to the vet 2nd time with another hen and thought the worst. She was given antibiotics but we decided to try the oregano etc just one more day and I thought it was amazing how she recovered. I realise she may have already started to pull through herself or that she may not have had it in the first place. Kelloggs now has not been at all well and she is starting to perk up. Again, only my own experience and my suggestions.
DE is worthless when it gets wet...which happens as soon as it enters their mouth.
Please please search for DE here on this website and read the hundreds of stories from real life chicken owners from all over the world.
You may learn pretty quickly just how bad DE really is for birds.

Ok. Thanks for this. No one knows me so I shouldn't care what they think of the following ... have to admit that I take the foodgrade DE with juice as the packet instructs so I certainly didn't think it would not be beneficial for the chooks.
Click on the link provided by KikisGirls. Someone had birds with the same symptoms and determined that it was the result of water deprivation because of a nipple system. In many instances small chicks are unable to activate a nipple system.
DE is worthless when it gets wet...which happens as soon as it enters their mouth.
Please please search for DE here on this website and read the hundreds of stories from real life chicken owners from all over the world.
You may learn pretty quickly just how bad DE really is for birds.

Hi, I contacted my supplier, Multimite, regarding what you have posted. I wish to post their response - please see below:

"Firstly YES absolutely it can be used in foods and in water, our Multi Mite is a proper Feed Grade de so YES perfectly suited and will work at 100%.

The internet is possibly, and to be correct can only be referring to using DE as an external Mite control Powder, many people use water to mix with the powder to spray around buildings or where ever – in this instance while it is suspended in liquid it will not kill the mites as the mites keep away from it, however as soon as it's dried it is back again 100% effective. The water is used as a carrier.

When given to an animal in feed or water it passes through the stomach and intestine and will kill all manner of worms and internal parasites. They cannot avoid it.

There are many ‘non professionally written’ articles on DE on the web, I have even seen some saying that DE is powdered glass which of course is rubbish.

But DE is an extremely stable powder and on a scale of hardness with Diamonds being a 9 DE powder is a 7 or 8 so there is not much to stop it working."

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