Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

These guys are still young but I thought I would share some pics I took yesterday. They are 10 wks. old.

Any idea what color she would be?

There are two pics of the same rooster. Trying to show his little bit of dark tail feathers.
I don't see where the question of color got answered. Did I miss it? I am asking again because we have a cochin pullet that is not frizzled but looks a lot like the one in the background and in top pic. Her hackles are blue and she has a lavender ground with this light fawn markings on her. She came from all BBS, some carrying mottling, from a top breeder so she isn't a mutt. He was calling her silver quail but another cochin breeder and judge said maybe porcelain. I need someone who really knows to chime in here. My son loves this little pullet and he wants to show her. Thanks.
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Some birds are just mixed colors and it can't be defined as to what they actually are, which is why you are probably getting different answers. Some people just put a bunch of colored birds together and you do not get a specific color because Frizzles are adorable when there isn't a particular pattern a lot of times.
Some birds are just mixed colors and it can't be defined as to what they actually are, which is why you are probably getting different answers. Some people just put a bunch of colored birds together and you do not get a specific color because Frizzles are adorable when there isn't a particular pattern a lot of times.

I didn't get any answers. Dr Bob Hawes has been breeding these without any frizzle for 'a while' and this little pullet is a total anomaly. We are all intrigued by her color. Somewhere the genetics are showing and we would like to know what she indicates is hidden in his birds. One thought is that she might carry mottling which is diluting her color.
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Mottling usually affects the very tips of the feathers. I would expect it to be a lav and/or silver gene and a laced gene creating this. Sometimes they just hide out in birds until they are bred with another bird that has something that appeals to that gene and then they say "Hi! Let's be friends!" and then they come together to create something unusual. It can be hidden for many generations before it finds a gene to be friends with and create a masterpiece!
LOL I love the description of the genetic expression. That's what we are all figuring but what to call this one is still a big question mark. We have to label her something at the shows. She is only four months old right now so I expect her to settled out and we are all going to be watching. I don't believe he has anything laced. Bob raises BBS, buff, black, columbian and mottling is in there too. I am going to have to ask him about it now.

Edited later to add that Dr Hawes says she might be blue birchen? No idea.
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LOL  I love the description of the genetic expression.  That's what we are all figuring but what to call this one is still a big question mark.  We have to label her something at the shows.  She is only four months old right now so I expect her to settled out and we are all going to be watching.  I don't believe he has anything laced.  Bob raises BBS, buff, black, columbian and mottling is in there too.  I am going to have to ask him about it now.


it doesnt look like any recognised colour. and certainly not quail.

10 weeks is young. You may have to wait until maturity to see what genetics are hiding in here.

If you have a pic of the chick down then it might be easier. It's much harder to narrow down on a frizzle without knowing the parentage.

And if they came from a reputable breeder then they should know what birds they are selling.

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