Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

What do people think of my young boy Dante Jr? He's the only cockeral I kept back this year. Pleased with him for a may hatch.


Very pretty
Does anybody raise SQ cochin bantams?? I want to get into showing poultry just for fun.. And Perfect Polish i would like to know the same thing!
As another person stated there are many breeders of SQ Cochins. If I was wanting to start over I would recommend Blacks, followed by Whites, Blues, then Mottled if I wanted to do well. If you want to just have fun and know you can not win a show then any pattern variety is fun and beautiful every day. Patterns generally do not have the best type and to win you have to go with Type first. Also those solid colors get no deductions for not meeting pattern criteria that many patterns do. There are many good breeders in Va, N and S Carolina, New York, Jersey, Delaware. Decide on what your goals are. Winning a big show, having fun and the daily enjoyment of the flock or something else. Budget is always a concern to think about. Do you want to buy a winner or get good breeding stock and hatch your own? When you decide PM me and I will try to point you in the right direction.

Anyone on here breeding Gold Laced Cochins in either Bantam or LF? Love to see pictures and hear about what you have learned with them I am breeding bantams and I struggle to do it well

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