Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Hey everyone, I've got a question. When people say they have BBS Hatching Eggs for sale or they have BBS breeding pen, what does that mean? Does it mean Black, Blue, Splash?
Gosh, that is a loaded question.
I have Frizzles in black Mottled and blue Mottled pens, a multi-colored pen and several Mille Fleur pens. These are birds I created, not ones I bought from someone else. these are my own lines that I worked to get for the last 10 years.

I also have breeding pens of smooth bantam Cochins and as you can see from my avatar, I have shown them and done quite well. You can visit my website to see a lot more but it is a huge site so don't go expecting to spend only a few minutes there. I even removed a lot of pages of breeds and varieties I no longer own or work on and still it is huge. But it does need updating with a few new photos.

In bantam Cochin pens I have blue over black, black over blues and splash, Mottleds in blue and black, buff barred, red barred, red, Mille Fleur and a retirement pen of hens that still occasionally give me eggs. I often have around 750 birds here during peak summer months. Most of those are bantam Cochins. And most of these are birds I have worked on for years and made my own lines. I do not sell from every pen though. Some are still in progress and I hatch every egg myself.
Gosh, that is a loaded question.
I have Frizzles in black Mottled and blue Mottled pens, a multi-colored pen and several Mille Fleur pens. These are birds I created, not ones I bought from someone else. these are my own lines that I worked to get for the last 10 years.

I also have breeding pens of smooth bantam Cochins and as you can see from my avatar, I have shown them and done quite well. You can visit my website to see a lot more but it is a huge site so don't go expecting to spend only a few minutes there. I even removed a lot of pages of breeds and varieties I no longer own or work on and still it is huge. But it does need updating with a few new photos.

In bantam Cochin pens I have blue over black, black over blues and splash, Mottleds in blue and black, buff barred, red barred, red, Mille Fleur and a retirement pen of hens that still occasionally give me eggs. I often have around 750 birds here during peak summer months. Most of those are bantam Cochins. And most of these are birds I have worked on for years and made my own lines. I do not sell from every pen though. Some are still in progress and I hatch every egg myself.
That sounds really cool. What would happen if I had a breeding pen with BBS chickens and Mottleds? Would it produce any Blue Moddleds?
Probably. They may not be in the first generation though. It takes 2 copies of the Mottled gene to make Mottled. Each parent has to give a copy to the offspring. And splash can make a mess of a nice Mottled but for Frizzles, color and pattern is fun to play with on those curls.
Can a self blue Cochin hen produce a sexlink chick? If so, what breed rooster is needed?
I've never personally seen and sex link offspring produced by using anything other than silver gene hens or barred gene hens, however since blue is always dominate to brown, crossing your blue Cochin hen with a brown rooster should produce sex linked offspring. The male offspring should be blue and the female offspring should be brown.
Hi Everyone,

I hope it's ok that I pop in here with this question! I originally posted on the "What breed is this" forum and never got a clear answer, so I'm hoping someone with cochin-specific experience will chime in here.
I got several chicks out of the "assorted mixed bantam" bin at TSC a few weeks ago, when I fell in love with this little chick (and I had to buy a minimum of 6, so I got 5 more so that I could get this one! LOL Chicken math.) Anyway, it seems to be a cochin, albeit a hatchery-quality one. I just can't figure out what color it's supposed to be. It does not have a head spot AT ALL, and its feathers are not all barred (some are just solid black) so I don't think it's a barred cochin. I also don't think it's a mottled, as those are yellow and black as chicks (I have 2 of those as well) and look way different than this one. So, what the heck is this color? Is it just a mish-mash? Would not surprise me, given the typical hatchery...ahem...quality control issues.
This is the sweetest chick EVER and has made me fall in love with bantam cochins...(and I thought my Marans were sweet! My senior Marans roo is even leash-trained!) I can see myself wanting to breed bantam cochins in the future, although my current little hatchery buddies won't be in that breeding program, naturally....I am just curious as to what I have here!

This is the chick at a couple of days old:

and this is today, at 3 weeks, give or take a couple of days.

In these pics, he/she is kind of "stretched" because of excitement at being taken out of the brooder....normal body shape is a much rounder little dumpling. :)


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