Cochin pulling out foot feathers


11 Years
Feb 22, 2008
Thousand Oaks, CA
My Main Man Ese has taken to pulling out his foot feathers. I've made sure he doesn't have scaly leg mites, but his legs are turning reddish. He is a buff bantam cochin. The feathers have always looked super uncomfortable to me but he only has the pins sticking out now....he isn't molting (nor has he yet...he's just a year old) I'm concerned for two reasons...most of his foot feathers are blood he bleeds from this...secondly I'd like to know if this is a sympton of something more serious.... Thank you for any info!

If he's pulling out his pin feathes and making himself bleed, I'd say he may be bored (give more to do/free range?), lacking in protein (supplement with higher protein feed or catfood sparingly), lacking in methionine (feed black oil sunflower seeds), or has a taste for blood (can't help here, beef strips?), or mites (check for buggies).

Best of luck!
He definitely isn't bored...he is the hardest working rooster in the chicken business! He has acres to call his own! The supplement thing sounds interesting though...god knows I love to give them treats! I'll check more closely for mites...but he's the only one out of 7 to be doing this...I've gotta get a picture of him looking at the bottom of his foot! way to funny! If you think of anything else please let me know


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