Cochin Thread!!!

well, some are yellow/buff, some are darker buff with faint darker chipmunk stripes.
i'll get some pics when I put broody momma (red dorking) into her brooder. right now she's taking babies into her tote.

Can anyone tell my what kind of feathering this lil roo is?
Thank you!

Thats awesome thanks! on a sadder note, I went to let my teenage chicks out for the day and I found my GL cochin's (ive posted her on earlier) body, dead. What the heck!? She had shown no signs at all of sickness. They sleep in the grow out and free range all day. I didnt see irregular poop or anything. Im really confused. Needless to say i cleened the whole coop, with bleach. Air dried it. New bedding. Im just so bummed.
I lost my big white Roo recently and was devistated but the next day I hatched out a little white chick Cochin I hope it's a Roo that would be awesome I am sorry for your loss stone garden the are so sweet.

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