Cochin Thread!!!

Totally addicted here with my numbers approx 100. I have a doz eggs coming in from a awesome breeder this week too. Can't wait!
Those are BEAUTIFUL birds! Super jelly :p. I wanted a Mille Fleur so bad but I guess they don't come in LF.

My phone took pics the other day so I will try again to post pics today...( fingers crossed) I really want to "show them off too". My little buff cochin bantam is a lap chicken. Such a sweet heart! They all are but she is the "friendliest"!!!

Yours are adorable!!!!!!!!
Let us know what that stinker of a phone does.
5 of my babies are from ideal and they very healthy! I was pleased!

Ok thanks! Now to choose a color... Lol :D

Splash is my fav.... But ideal doesn't have a splash option. You have to order blue and you have a chance of getting blue, black and splash chicks. The more you get the more of a verity you might get.
I also love lavender, blues and mille Cochins but idk if ideal has a Millie option. I'm sure they don't.

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