Cochin Thread!!!

My birds don't have mites... my property doesn't have mites... I live in South Dakota, I don't think it's normally much of a problem up here.

I bought some new chickens and they came to me with mites. I have them quarantined in the barn and have treated them with Frontline... Is this a hopeless situation? Will I always be battling mites now? My 18 month old daughter loves the chickens and spends almost as much time with them as I do.. I do NOT want mites on her. Will I be able to kill the mites on the new birds get rid of them completely and go back to being mite-free?
i use ivermectin pour on with my guys twice a year, and on all new birds the day they come in, and again 10 days later to break the breeding cycle since most things will affect either adults or eggs but usually not both. topically used it will get rid of lice and mites, as well as any intestinal parasites. i apply it with a syringe under the 'armpit' since that's a fairly featherless area that's easy to get to. even on sleepy birds on perches, which is how i treat my whole flock at once. might be more of a challenge now, since last time i had less than 20 birds and now i'm up over 60.

chicken math? what's that?
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Thanks Karen, you're always so helpful :)

What's the youngest you treat? I'm thinking I should just treat everybody now as a precaution. - maybe not the young chicks in the brooder, but I've got 3 week old Cochin and Orpington chicks in the nursery with 6 & 7 week old Silkies..
Posey if you have that much trouble with mites in the coop the best thing i have used is liquid 7 put in a garden sprayer and spray the coop down walls every thing. you can also put it in a bucket and dip the birds in it. just try to keep it out of the eyes.
i have done this for years and years it works great and it will not hurt the birds at all. If you do get it in there eyes it will not have ill effects just might burn.
I use to put it in my pigeon bath water and they never acted like it fazed there eyes at all.
PS. mix it twice as strong as it calls for!
I agree. We have used sevin on out birds for years and it has always worked wonders. We get the powder form to put on the birds, as its easier to control where it goes, and it can spread through the feathers without getting the bird wet. Have also done just as mentioned, liquid sevin sprayed all over the coop, inside and out. All the bedding is dusted with it too so when they take dust bathes it gets where I may have missed. Had a really bad mite problem earlier this year, I think it was because of the mild winter we had, and I tryed alot of things to get rid of them. They were so bad I could sit and pick them crawling on me, and even under my hat in my hair. I havent noticed any lately, and havent noticed the birds digging for any so I seem to be good for the moment. I will check again this weekend or early next week since its been over a month since they were dusted with it, see if I have any issues and dust again.

Also, if your property is that covered in mites, I would seriously consider calling someone to have them come out and rid you of the problem. Especially if what you have done has only been a temporary fix. Or do it yourself with some liquid sevin, or something else. Just spray your whole property with it, and it will also help with ticks, fleas, and the very very pesky turkey mites.

i use ivermectin pour on with my guys twice a year, and on all new birds the day they come in, and again 10 days later to break the breeding cycle since most things will affect either adults or eggs but usually not both. topically used it will get rid of lice and mites, as well as any intestinal parasites. i apply it with a syringe under the 'armpit' since that's a fairly featherless area that's easy to get to. even on sleepy birds on perches, which is how i treat my whole flock at once. might be more of a challenge now, since last time i had less than 20 birds and now i'm up over 60.

chicken math? what's that?

K is right that is some good stuff. I put 3cc to a gal of water and let them drink it No more bugs that way and the birds treat them self with out you having to handle the bird. Ivermectin Drench is what i use. Its a little costly but it goes a long ways at 3cc per gal. For treating the birds the Ivermectin is the way to go. To treat the coop the liquid 7 is the way to go.
Took some pictures today of the birds, thought I would share. I also got a couple pics of the Blue K I was talking about. One is really bad quality, it was taken with my cell, zoomed in as far as it would go, lol. But Hope you guys enjoy.

Thanks you, I appreciate that. One of the frizzle pullets in the pic is for sale, with a nice smooth pair. The bird to the right of both pictures is the only hen I have, the other two are pullets I raised last year. I have a few chicks from the hen this year, but last year I only ended up with two, a smooth pair. I want to get a few more birds from her, with her head. I wished all my female birds had heads like her's. After I see what I end up with this fall, I will be selling her and another smooth pullet.

I forgot to post two other pics when I posted those, and just forgot to do it again before hitting submit to this post. Sigh. Here we go again, lol.

This is Henry, the bird in my avatar, out in the yard with is lady companions. They look rough at the moment, but thats part of it I suppose.

And here is one of the pullets by herself. I apologize for the picture quality on these, they were taken with my cell, and it has a mind of its own when it comes to taking good or bad pictures.

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K is right that is some good stuff. I put 3cc to a gal of water and let them drink it No more bugs that way and the birds treat them self with out you having to handle the bird. Ivermectin Drench is what i use. Its a little costly but it goes a long ways at 3cc per gal. For treating the birds the Ivermectin is the way to go. To treat the coop the liquid 7 is the way to go.
there's one serious flaw with mixing ivermectin with water. it's not water soluble. it IS sugar soluble tho, so if i'm dosing orally i use the liquid concentrated hummingbird nectar to mix it into and give that by syringe. ivermectin is typically very bitter, so the nectar helps a lot. but that's why i prefer the pour on now. it's much easier to dose.
Wow, talk about great timing. I have been fighting lice on one bird for 3weeks. I took her eggs away and broke her brood and put her mate back in because I didn't see any bugs or eggs on her. Well now he had it. During my testing, I found some eggs on my LF cochin, but none on the Orps housed with him. So, they got powdered. Then, also while testing, I discovered 2 bugs on my Ameraucanas. I have been dusting with Secvin-5 every 5 days for 2 weeks. Now, why are these buggers so darn resistant?! My trio with 4 babies in the same divided coop as the original lice pair are still clean as are my 3 bachelors, coop with chicks, the brooders and the Silkies who range outdoors daily. It's crazy.

I am flea dipping them this weekend and I may get some Ivermectin to use topically. I am also getting poultry dust and DE to put in their bedding and stripping the pens again. I am so glad I sold so many birds... I no longer have 190 to deal with!

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