Cochin Thread!!!

I will look into that book..Deffenilty sounds like something I want to read...

...In the bottom photo, it looks like the front three are roos to I wrong?

I have owned and hatched silkies for three not use to these combs etc.
yes, they are cockerels. pretty sure the rest in the photo are pullets... unfortunately i've lost a number of the cochins chicks and 2 dorking cockerels to predators over the last week.

so i'll be hatching as many more as i can get eggs in the next month or so. once i get the parents back in their breeding pen and pen up the dorkings i'm wanting to hatch from...
Sorry to hear that! I lost my blue silkie hen before xmas due to a hawk..and that darn hawk keeps coming back and stalking my neighbors 1/2 mile down the road said the hawk has been roosting on their.chicken tractor for hours since Chrismas. The hawk attacked and killed mine while they where free ranging

Looks like the hawk got a taste of chicken and he wants this weekend is being spent building a run inside my existing run that is extra hawk proof, so i feel safe letting them out.
Wondering if anyone has quality BBS LF cochin chicks or hatching eggs for sale? I have a splash chick (looks rooish already ;)) please pm me if you would like to help me out... Willing to pay $5 a chick plus shipping, or $30ish for eggs
Would love a frizzled LF cochin or two!
Posted a pic of my son's mottleds a page or so back, asked for input on the roo............

Guess I'll post my hen, just cause.

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