Cochin Thread!!!

Greetings to all,my name is Salomon from Puerto Rico. I fan and lover of Cochins breed. This is my two cochins. Barred cochin hen and black cochin rooster. The Barred cochin hen breed by Jerry Prusan and the black comes from McMurray Hatchery

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I am so sorry for the loss of your hens. Its a tragic loss. A neighbor "who let her hens free range everyday for a couple of hours", here in Austin, Texas, heard a ruckus walked outside to see a coyote hop a 6 foot fence, and in its wake, 10 dead chickens, 2 are missing and she assumes they are gone. I can't imagine, no more free ranging for us unless we are there to watch.
Peace be the you.

Luna again. She doesn't like to take pictures
The injured one (Caroline, my favorite) didn't make it through the night despite all my TLC. She couldn't recover from the shock. I never found the missing bird. Even sent the dog out to look for her, she indicated nothing. :( She probably hid somewhere & died. All I have left is a trio, only have a few eggs to try (desperately) to incubate. If I'm extremely lucky I might get one chick out of that. No way I can replace what I lost. If anyone even has a bird that beautiful they wouldn't sell her for less than a million dollars. I am screwed. This may be the end of Funky Feathers Fancy Poultry Farm.
Hi, I felt so terrible for you when I read about what happened to your babies. We can never replace the loss of a person or an animal that we love. You have an incredible talent for raising gorgeous cochins, and a real love and passion for your birds. I believe Funky Feathers will become stronger and better in the new year.
God bless you,
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