Cochin Thread!!!

My silkie hen was sitting on some bad eggs, so I put a few chicks from the feed store under her.
I'm wondering what I have. I think they're cochins, anyway; wondering what color..
2 chipmunks, thinking they're silver penciled or partridge or?
And 2 light blue, thinking blue or splash?


I'm probably starting to annoy people but I really would like to know what this chick is. Got him/her from a feed store out of the "banty chick" bin. I have had suggest the following: SLW Cochin, Buff/Light Brahma and Columbian Cochin.

couple of days later


I'm probably starting to annoy people but I really would like to know what this chick is. Got him/her from a feed store out of the "banty chick" bin. I have had suggest the following: SLW Cochin, Buff/Light Brahma and Columbian Cochin.

I say silver laced Cochin and want to tell you as far as I'm concerned you can't be annoying asking questions. Sometimes we all get pretty busy and just neglect to answer some questions and seemingly just skip right over, and sometimes we really do just miss a post.
My motto is just keep asking till someone gives me the answer or points me to where I can find it.
We all are here to help and to learn, hope your chick turns out gorgeous.!!
I'm thankful for everyone who answered. To us it doesn't matter because of course they just are the prettiest babies ever! But I see all the adult chickens and wonder and then I just *had* to know!

This little is named Peepers and he/she is going to be enrolled in anti-bullying school here pretty soon!
Is this a Cochin and if so is it feathering properly? All my similar chicks have tons of feathers on their feet and this one seems to be losing its leg and feet fuzz? Any input would be appreciated as I am starting to worry. This chick is 3 in a half weeks old. Thank you.


My barred one above has a severe wing tuck, like the outer wing when spread almost folds down. Then when closed folds way up under. You can see it a bit in the picture above. Here it is spread. Ive never seen anything like it.

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