Cochin Thread!!!

agreed! Loving the pretty baby pics!!!!!
Amy - Thank you for mentioning this!! On 'My Page' for my BLR project, several months ago I wrote about how all the pullets had mulberry-colored combs to start. I was freaking out because I thought it was a result of my playing with the color genetics, and no one seemed to have an answer for me. They all pinked up very nicely after a few months. But you are correct - it was just the pullets.
Still getting the hang of things myself, but your guesses look good to me. I bet in about a week, maybe 2, there will be no more guessing and you'll know for sure. We're not very patient folk are we? We can't wait for the eggs to hatch, can't wait to tell the gender, can't wait for them to feather out, can't wait for that first egg, and then we start all over again. I'm with you! And I love seeing pics of chicks as they develop and grow. I think it's all very helpful.
Amy - Thank you for mentioning this!! On 'My Page' for my BLR project, several months ago I wrote about how all the pullets had mulberry-colored combs to start. I was freaking out because I thought it was a result of my playing with the color genetics, and no one seemed to have an answer for me. They all pinked up very nicely after a few months. But you are correct - it was just the pullets.

I am sorry I do not follow all the lists so much. I would have answered you had I read it.

I notice it a lot more in my Marans than my other breeds. That is one breed I follow from hatch all the way to grown. Most of my birds, especially the Cochins, I do not look at so closely as they change and develop so much and I don't want to be drawn in with beautiful color, great personality and no type. I have a few "pets".
Sometimes DH makes me close my eyes and he hands me a 3 mth old just to feel for conformation so I won't be "blinded" by beauty! He sneaks different breeds in and thinks I wont notice! Ha! But it is a fun game.
When I hatched these, I got a pair as well. I just sold the pullet last week. She was lovely. Pure white with black penciling across her saddle. The cockerel is equally as eye catching with a small amount of black penciling in his hackle feathers & his tail is the black barred. Really a looker. I'd say you have a pair.

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