Cochin Thread!!!

Well then maybe I just got "lucky"

I loved that little mean sucker so much. I am growing his kids out as long as I can...hoping to get a son who reminds me of him. I like fiesty....just dont prefer VICIOUS.
I have some of Jamie's cochins..LF and bantam and my 3 yr old goes in and picks them up....He calls them his slow cochins...I love them..Now ask me about my light son says there is the grumpy one...I have done the attitude adjustment hasn't helped...

I have/had a number of Jamie's birds and I will say that they weren't the friendliest when they were young, as a matter of fact one of the roos was kind of ornery and almost impossible to catch, but as he got older he mellowed out a lot and now I can go in and pick him and do anything I want with him. He's not "lovable" but he tolerates being handled very well, and his offspring are very sweet. I think some of the issue was/is they don't get handled like some of the birds that come from us small time breeders. My Mille Fleur roo from Jamie was the first roo of that breed that didn't attack me every time I went into the run. He also wasn't a lover, but he was easy to work around and I really appreciated that. All of his male offspring have been very sweet, females too.
It's always great to hear from someone interested in GL Bantams - they are not for the faint-hearted!! And it would be great to have another breeder in Colorado!! When I started my search for GL Bantams a couple of years ago, I was told there is no such thing as a "good" GL Bantam. I'm not showing mine yet, as I'm still working on better lacing, but you can see pics of mine in the link below. I don't have anything available right now, but please keep in touch. Where in CO are you located?

Hi, sorry it took so long, this is awesome to hear I'm not alone! Lol-your birds are about 2-3 generations ahead of mine for sure, love your hens, getting the nice tails on them and the right posture. I am in Pueblo, where are you? It would be great to meet you, my club is having a show at the Co. State Fairgrounds this Saturday the 24th, not sure you can make it on such short notice, but consider it, its a great learning show. Anyways I will definitly keep in touch, hoping to pick up a black soon to add in, don't think I will make it to Feather Fanciers though, would like to meet up with Steve Beaty for Rosecombs, and I know theres always those top cochins from you probably know who up there, though I was not pleased with the faces on his birds last I saw, LOTS of wrinkles, ick, lol-but we'll see, let me know, try to be on for a little longer tonight and maybe tomarrow if i can squeeze it in, have to go put cups and shavings out, and finish signs, and raffle table, and the boxes, getting everyone ready and loaded and get up at 4...(club secretary, raffle chairperson, etc...i'm exhausted!) Hope to hear from you soon, yay!
A few weeks ago I lost my Birchen roo as some of you already know; I have one chick out of him that I am guarding with my life, he or she is growing up safe and sound in the laundry room.
I am starting to think possibly a roo? Anyone else want to guess? I know one thing, boy or girl, this chick has daddy's beautiful eyes



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