Cochin Thread!!!

I have finally found time to take some new pictures of my blues. I just love these little chickens. I am growing out some very nice chicks from them right now.

I have finally found time to take some new pictures of my blues. I just love these little chickens. I am growing out some very nice chicks from them right now.

Beautiful Blues!! Would like to get with you in the future about acquiring birds from you. Recently started with Blues again. Nice to see another Cochin lover here in KY.

I have finally found time to take some new pictures of my blues. I just love these little chickens. I am growing out some very nice chicks from them right now.

I seldom post here but I do read as much as possible to keep up on the breeding programs.
And I had to respond to this one!
Fantastic type on your blues! You just don't see such beautiful type on many blues. What a great bunch of birds. I know you are very pleased with them. They are lovely!
I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words on my blues. I am very excited about them. As I said I have several nice babies in the grow out pen and hoping to continue working on them. I just love blue chickens, especially my fluffy butted cochins
I have thread asking the same question but them I found this thread and thought I would post it here also.

I am planning on starting a Lavender Mottled Cochin project next spring...I have 1 lavender rooster 1 lavender hen and 1 mottled hen...I am planning on breeding the lav roo to the mottled hen not sure what the offspring will be but I am thinking they will either look like their mother (mottled) and be split to lavender or be solid black and be split to lavender..then I would grow them up...keep the best and cull the rest and should I breed those back to the mother (mottled) or father (lavender)? If any one knows how to create a lavender mottled cochin...please let me know...thanks
They are absolutely stunning! I lurk and read every post on this thread. They are so pretty I could not stay quiet. Please sign me up for eggs when you have some!
I will, but please understand that my cochins are not very good me they look beautiful but I know they are missing some features my lavenders are not as round as they should be and I feel like they dont have enough feathers on their feet...but my mottled she has a ton of feathers on her feet and is very round like they should be so I am hoping to improve the lavenders body type with her...but I will let you know when I get eggs!
I also have been lurking and reading this thread through. Everyone here contributes in an encouraging and supportive way. I just wanted to say that though I dont contribute to the thread I do read it and really appreciate the way the members treat this as cooperative and supportive community. Other breed threads arent always like this. I find myself saving this thread for my last read, some of the others I just want to get out of the way, but the Cochin thread, lol, leaves me with a great feeling and frame of mind to go on with the rest of the day. I just wanted to say THANKS to the folks here! Each and every one of you is greatly appreciated!

PS. I know there is a list of accepted colors and patterns for bantam cochin, I have seen it a few times on the thread, and I know that there are several folks working on other project colors. I have also noted that there are a few folks who have mentioned that some of the accepted colors/patterns are not being bred much anymore. Does anyone have a list of those varieties that are fading away? Is there a list of them somewhere that I can refer? I would like to contribute to the breed at some point and think I might like to start by supporting some of the older varieties that are loosing popularity and thus breeders. Any info or points of reference would be appreciated.
I will, but please understand that my cochins are not very good me they look beautiful but I know they are missing some features my lavenders are not as round as they should be and I feel like they dont have enough feathers on their feet...but my mottled she has a ton of feathers on her feet and is very round like they should be so I am hoping to improve the lavenders body type with her...but I will let you know when I get eggs!
I don't mean to be rude but I think they were talking to the owner of the blue cochins that posted pictures....

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