Cochin Thread!!!

Thank you Craig, Casey, Dave and others for your replies! The information you provided is very helpful. I have been looking at the CI site some and have even joined the CI board. I now have an idea of numbers and that there may be more breeders around that have birds that dont show or go to unrecorded shows. I didnt even think about the different goals folks might have for having birds, so that was really helpful. I am totally fascinated with color and differences, so genetics just intrigues the heck out of me!(lol, I didnt even think about the possibility that someone would want the popular colored birds of high quality for shows, <grin> 'cuz I would only want em for their genes! Guess that shows where my head is.)

So for my next informational quest:

I know little of genetics at this point, but am working on learning(I hope to purchase some books about chicken genetics in the next month or so! lol, been saving up). I would rather not use my limited resources and knowledge in a hit and miss manner to aquire birds(and work towards goals). So I thought I would ask here and see if you all could help me some more. I dont want to purchase birds and then figure out that they arent needed or cant be used for what I want to do(lol, that is after I figure out what it is that I want to do). So any help would be appreciated. If there is a site or sites that I can reference that would be great to know too.

I know what offspring are produced depends on the birds you have, their genetic backgrounds, what recessive traits they and their line have and probably some environmental factors. But as far as patterned birds go, in general, what colors and patterns are related?
I know that black, blue and splash are related genetically. Are there others?

I know that partridge works best with two breeding groups(one to produce Roos and one to produce Hens) to produce good colors/patterns.
Are there other patterns that take two groups to keep better colors on each gender?

I think I want to deal with reds, as I already have a funny little cockerel that is frizzled, red/black and patterned and I would like to see what I can do with him. So having some red cochins also isnt too big of a jump. So I am also thinking about the brown red and the black tailed red(I think those are the right names, if not I apologise), because I am guessing that they would also be related to reds, or that reds might be needed in their breeding program. Can anyone tell me about the genetics and bird colors involved in either or both of these varieties?

I know that there is a genetic chicken calculator out there, I have it bookmarked, but I have had some difficulty in using it-mostly because I dont know where to begin or what the heck I am spoke of patience and being able to be patient, I find I can do patience when I have direction, but(excuse the pun) without direction I run around like a chicken with my head cut off and the patience goes out the window.

Thanks all for putting up with my inquisitiveness, you are all appreciated greatly!
Oh, crud! I forgot to ask, but is there a way for me to mark a post so that I can refer back to it later and not have to search through a bunch of posts to find it? There is so much good info that I havent kept and something like this would really help. Or do I need to start a cut and paste library of my own in my word processor?

Coopa, thank you so much for that last post! I try to be respectful, polite and clear in my requests, but I am afraid that I dont always succeed. I really appreciate the different questions you brought up. Some of them I already consider and some of them I hadnt thought of, so they are very helpful! Thanks again.
Cochins are Equal Opportunity, and do not discrimate based on Race, Color, Creed, Religion, Disabilitties, Political Affiliations or Sexual Preference.
i think you just described every bird i've ever owned! and a couple dogs too I think.

edit: i take that back. my macaw loves me, but only if my hubby isn't in the same room. she's fickle.
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Cochins are Equal Opportunity, and do not discrimate based on Race, Color, Creed, Religion, Disabilitties, Political Affiliations or Sexual Preference.
OMG, you just had us rolling on the floor! Fantastic answer, especially since the twit that asked that question is my best friend and I was giving her all sorts of grief for posting it.
Hi Casey. Where in southern Kentucky are you? I am in southern IN. I have an 18 week old white Cochin pullet (bantam) who just started laying and would love a cockerel for her. Smooth or frizzled. I have three younger black (bantams) and one red (bantam) and three silver laced (bantams) too. All are pullets. I also have three standard Cochin pullets (one dark blue, one medium blue and one splash). No Roos though. What do you have that would pair well age/color-wise with my girls? I think frizzled might be a fun addition for us. We have Silkies and Showgirls along with a colorful laying flock too. We like variety.

Have you ever heard of Lake Cumberland? It is in Jamestown/Russell Springs. If you want to mapquest directions, zip is 42642. As far as what I have, I only have White smooth cockerels right now. I will have Red in a few months, but right now all I have are too young to tell the sex of them. You could use the White cockerels I have for the Black, its not a great thing to do, but if you dont intend to show then you should be fine. My Whites also carry the silver gene, one of the males I used did and he passed it so several of his chicks, and crossed over a SL bird should produce some decene birds. You could in turn breed those back to the SL females, and end up with a nice SL project. If you breed the Red to a White, you could get just about anything. I bred a Red frizzle male I have over a White pullet and ended up with a Red Pyle colored bird, which I was not expecting. If you havent already seen the various pics I have posted, just PM me or check out my profile here for some pics. I have a Red male here that has gorgeous color, but he is not the best example of a Cochin Btm, that I would sale.


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