Cochin Thread!!!

Can all of you "pros" please help me out. I need assistance in how do you sex a Cochin when they are young? Why are the signs to look for? I have some that have combs and wattles that look like a roo but are females. A friend told me when a chick is first born you can feel the feathers at the end of a wing and a male will have a spur in the wing - is this true? What is true advise and what is the myth buster advise?????
Okay, found the picture I was talking about, hope this helps!
What beautiful pictures everyone

wildwoodcochins~Glad Bijou is doing better. ~What color is the rooster in the second picture from the top? ~ thanx ~

PS that coop is awesome ! How many chickens do you have?
The roo you are talking about is Picasso, he's a Calico, his coloring has changed a lot! I'll post a picture from a few months ago:
How many chickens do I have??? LOL, WAY too many! Thanks for the compliment on my coop, I'm pretty proud, I built it all by myself, even put on the metal roof. It's also designed to come apart and be moved (we are always looking for a bigger place to buy) More chickens!! haha

I wish he would have kept more of his white~

Hi Gail~ Bijou is hanging in there, I had a friend come over today and look at her. She said it looked like she had a sting mark on one of the wattles. I had felt all along that it was some sort of allergy or something along those lines. I know I got stung earlier this summer and it swelled up pretty bad. Poor little girl, she's lost a little weight but still eating well. My friend gave me some Tylan to try on her. Has anyone ever given their birds any Benadryl before? I was thinking maybe a very tiny amount, a little afraid to try though. Thanks for asking! Twyla[/quote]

I have given Benedryl to my large fowl for scorpion stings. I dissolved it in one cup of water and added lemon zest to it to help mask the bitterness. This is offered twice daily and can be refrigerated. With hold regular water in the morning and afternoon and replace when you see the bird take the Benedryl water.
Edited to add that I gave this for two days.
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Picasso has some very interesting colors. I really like him. I have some white cochins and one of the eggs that hatched is a cockerel and he is very similar to Picasso's color now (but he is only about 8 weeks old). There must have been a mix up somewhere along the line. I have only had the whites for a short time when I hatched the eggs. I am going to keep him to see how he grows up. I have one MFC hen.

I was going through my black pullets today and I found one that has a couple speckles on her breast. Now I can see her head is different too. Much improved type from her mom. This is the one that had the mottled mother so I marked her to keep seperate.

I saw one of my cockerels mate a pullet and he did the whole thing backwards. His head was at her tail and he didn't even suspect he was doing anything wrong!!!! I hope he figures it out!
I have mentioned a few times about hatching a runt bird this year. It turned out to be a pullet, and a very pretty one at that. Her only fault is she is less than half the size of all the birds hatched the same time she was. She is the only one I ended up with. My sister just loves her, calls her "Me" (her name is Felicia, she is 26 with 3 kids and is 4'11" and weights 100 lbs, soaking wet) because she says she is small like her. Lol. I have no intentions on breeding her or using her for anything, she will just be a pet, was just curious if anyone else ended up with any? I also know this is something I should have culled for, but she is healthy and I didnt notice it until they were 3-4 months old, and was curious as to see what she would turn out to be. I took a couple pics, not the best ones, but it helps give you an idea on her size, and how small she really is.

Here she is next to a frizzle pullet that was hatched in July. She is right at 3 months old, and is already bigger than this pullet.

And here she is with a pullet hatched the same time she was. She is not sickly, or weird acting, she actually fends for herself and usually wins little scuffles they have. And despite her small size, she is one of the fattest birds I have. (The birds wings to the right are not that tight to her body, I was holding her wings because she was trying to get away and get a treat. Also why she has turtle neck going on.)

Also, had talked about getting the 2 frizzle pullets I lost a while back replaced with some birds hatched from eggs I had given to a guy here locally. I got to go to his place and pick out the 2 pullets I wanted, and I brought him 2 pair in return. I was supposed to bring him a trio for 2 pullets, and brought an extra cockerel to him because I had too many still. I ended up leaving with a trio, not just 2 pullets (Go figure, huh?). And I managed to get a few pics the day before I cleaned the coop (been about 3 weeks ago now), and wanted to show them off. All 3 are, sometimes annoying, with how they follow you around all the time, lol. I am always ending up with one or more of the 3 on my shoes, or in my lap. They are older now, and have matured a lot in just 3 weeks. The cockerel I am really happy about, he looks to have good type overall, and a decent Cochin head. Only have one pullet pictured, have to get some of the other one, I know.

(Angle isnt right, but you get the idea.)

(Sorry for so many pics, lol.)

Even if she is a runt, she is stunning. I love your birds!!!!!!!
Casey your white cochins are beautiful as always. I haye coming on here it just makes me want more cochins. :D

wildwoodcochins I love the blue mottled roo. He is stunning Thanks for all the pics of Picasso.

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