Cockerel behavioral issues

Matilda Belle

May 16, 2018
SE Minnesota
My Coop
My Coop
I added a new cockerel to my flock about two weeks ago. He was added to a flock of 9 hens and another rooster. Things were going fine for awhile but now I see him misbehaving quite a bit. He has been terrorizing the hens, stalking them, trying to mate with them in an aggressive way that they don’t like. The hens have been clinging to my rooster for protection. Today I saw the cockerel peck at one of the chicks (I have momma hens and chicks in the flock too).

There hasn’t been a lot of fighting between the boys which I’m happy about but I’m worried about the new guys temperament. Do you think he’s just young (4-5 months), hormonal, and too eager to mate?
I haven't raised chicks with a broody but if he is pecking at chicks you might want to separate him or the mom and babies to keep them safe from one another. His behavior is probably because of his age and he should mellow out but some roos don't, just keep an eye on him I'd say unless he starts harming the hens then maybe consider separating him to where they can still see each other.
I haven't raised chicks with a broody but if he is pecking at chicks you might want to separate him or the mom and babies to keep them safe from one another. His behavior is probably because of his age and he should mellow out but some roos don't, just keep an eye on him I'd say unless he starts harming the hens then maybe consider separating him to where they can still see each other.

Thanks. I'm hoping it's just his age too.
It's possible he's testing the waters as he plots a way to overthrow your other rooster. Be very careful housing them together. Do you have multiple coops ready to separate? When it turns, it turns fast.

I have a backup home in case it doesn't work out. I've been keeping a close watch on them.
Is there something incredibly special about his breed or.....?
Maybe you didn't think about the downsides to multiple males.
I'd be rid of him least put him in a separate enclosure asap..for the good of your flock harmony.

Yes, it is a special breed. Thanks for your advice, but I did think through this decision thoroughly. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. But I'm going to give it a try.

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