Cockerel Crowing Frequency


Jun 24, 2020
Idle Question:

I have 2 bantam cockerels, both 12 weeks. 1 is a d'uccle and the other is a Japanese. Both of them crow although the d'uccle is much better at it than the Japanese (he sounds like a clown car horn). Often they'll sit together to crow although the d'uccle is the dominant bird. However, I was under the impression roosters crowed fairly frequently, and these boys more or less only crow in the morning around 6:30-7am (once or twice) and occasionally (once or twice) in the afternoon or evening. Usually because they're impatient for me to come out to move them or give them treats. I've never heard them before 6:30am maybe because it is overcast here in the mornings. Not ideal considering my neighbors, obviously, but honestly they're not obnoxious at all. My neighbors' dogs/children/parties and my Gambel's quail in full cackle are louder than they are.

I can't have roosters in the city so I am rehoming them (if people would stop flaking 😅) but I'm curious if them crowing 2-5x a day briefly is normal or if they're just not very motivated to crow their tiny little brains out and will crow more/louder as they get older.
I currently have an almost 6 month old cockerel and he crows all day and night. I live out in the country so it doesn't matter....but he is incessant really.
Honestly, it sounds like you lucked out, and now whoever gets your fellas will be happy. I love the sounds of rooster crows, but bantam crows are usually very shrill. Haha! No thankee!

And yes - my rooster was supposed to be a girl. I remind him of that fact daily.
My rooster crows whenever I am near. If he sees me, he crows. If he hears me, he crows.

He hates me.

Luckily, he's a teeny tiny Sebright and can't hurt me.
I seem to have the opposite problem. The cockerels have learned crowing will summon either me or a housemate and then they get something fun. Did not mean to teach this behavior but I think that's why they wait until 6:30-7am (that's when I get up and go out to feed them/let them out). The other day I got up but sat quietly on the couch for 10-15 minutes to listen, not a crow out of them. Then I got up and banged around the kitchen and bam, crowing. They will also come up to the living room window or porch door and crow sometimes too in the afternoon!
I currently have an almost 6 month old cockerel and he crows all day and night. I live out in the country so it doesn't matter....but he is incessant really.
That would drive me nuts. Hopefully he has a pleasant crow?
Honestly, it sounds like you lucked out, and now whoever gets your fellas will be happy. I love the sounds of rooster crows, but bantam crows are usually very shrill. Haha! No thankee!

And yes - my rooster was supposed to be a girl. I remind him of that fact daily.
Had 4 sebright cockerels. 3 of them started crowing at 5 weeks old! They were also butts. They were rehomed quickly (fortunately sebrights are very handsome birds LOLOL). So shrill! The Japanese is squeaky but not too shrill; the d'uccle is very pleasant. Haha the old switch a roo, literally.
Had 4 sebright cockerels. 3 of them started crowing at 5 weeks old! They were also butts. They were rehomed quickly (fortunately sebrights are very handsome birds LOLOL). So shrill! The Japanese is squeaky but not too shrill; the d'uccle is very pleasant. Haha the old switch a roo, literally.
Yeah, if I didn't feel responsible for the little brat, I'd get rid of him. No one would want him, tbh. He's not a very good boy at all.
Yeah, if I didn't feel responsible for the little brat, I'd get rid of him. No one would want him, tbh. He's not a very good boy at all.
I love my sebright pullet; she's a pill and so funny. But those cockerels made me tear my hair out. Brat is right! Good thing they're small and pretty. I'm hoping for a silver sebright hen but dreading do the SR thing again haha for this exact reason.

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