Cockerel or pullet


Feb 16, 2019
any ideas—???
Age : 12 weeks old
The tuft I have circled below has me thinking it could be a cockerel. Everything else says pullet to me.

Could I check the tail feathers?
I’ve read that you can determine sex by the end shape of the feathers.

Pointy- boy
Rounded- girl
Could I check the tail feathers?
I’ve read that you can determine sex by the end shape of the feathers.

Pointy- boy
Rounded- girl

Neck feathers as well. Here is my last cockerel. The feathers near his tail gave him away before his neck feathers. They were Fluffy and bent towards the ground. A pullets will generally be in line with the rest of their feathers. In this photo Jabber is about the same age as yours. He had no pointy neck feathers yet. Look at the feathers near his tail. That is what worries me About your photos. Do they look like these?
he was supposed to be a she.

We bought 7 and we got 2 cockerels. We already have a rooster and we don’t have room for anymore
I think.... I'm not convinced it's a cockerel. It could be, but it seems like it would be much more red by that age, and have a bigger comb and wattles. So idk :idunno

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