Cold Hardy Geese


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
Hey all, some of you kow my husband and I along with the flock are moving to NE Washington where temps can get below 0, I hear.

I want to do what is best for my geese and ducks.

I am trying to find homes for the muscovies because of their masks and they don't do well being confined inside a barn, even for their own good.

I also have knobbed geese, 3 chinese and an african.
A toulouse, an embden and a sebastopol complete the geese.

How will these breeds do? Obviously the knobbed will need forced shelter, but at what temps? What about the sebbie? Loose feathers probably mean less protection from the cold.

Any thoughts on how best to care for them and make sure they will be safe from frostbite.
Hi Terrie,

When I lived in Western Montata we had chinese and african geese, they did fine with a shelter with lots of dry straw for the winters. Never hand any problems at all.
i have muscovies and china geese and sebs and they are kept in a barn at night and let out duing the day . They do fine in the snow . The sit in it ,swim in it , eat it . They seem to like it . I just keep the barn doors open and they do in and out as the blease with no problems at all , my muscovies do fine

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