Collecting fertile Eggs???


Mar 28, 2015
North Carolina
I have 6 hens and 1 rooster. I collected eggs over a 3 day period leaving them at room temperature. Then after I had 12 I incubated them. None developed. I thought it was the eggs so I purchased eggs from someone and they developed and hatched. Then a couple months later I went outside and there were baby chickens in my coop! So did I do something wrong when collecting the eggs? Do they need to go straight into incubator? Thanks!
Explain your incubation process then we can go from there. BUT eggs aren't always fertile even with a rooster. Storing them at room temp until you get enough is safe as long as they don't get to cold or to hot. I think I wanna say I read around 75 degrees is a safe zone? Hopefully someone can back me up on that.
Storage between 50-70 is best from everything I read. I kept mine below 70% had 100% rate. At 80F you will get start to get development at subnormal rates in eggs. Did you check any eggs from your hens for fertility prior to collecting for incubation? If they were stored correctly and were fertile then the problem would point to the incubation process.

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